How many of you on here are pregnant or think you are pregnant?

Doing a paper of pregnancy statistics. Please give your age and race, and when you are due to have your baby, if you do not mind doing so.

Thanks for all who answer this question.


By the way, congrats to all the new moms. Babies are such a wonderful blessing.

aunt m2009-02-25T01:29:47Z

Favorite Answer

I'm approaching menopause baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ChAnElLe♥ *Keeley's Mummy*2009-02-25T09:34:57Z

My Age Is 20 Years Old
My Race Is White British
My Baby's Due Date Is 28th June 2009
Good Luck With Your Paper xXx


I am 25 years old, 16 weeks pregnant with my third child due on 8th August 2009 and I am white British.


i am in the 2 week wait after a miscarriage 2 months ago
im 23 with 2 girls already and im white British
if i am pregnant i would be having a baby october

Lauren [Dane's Mama]3/3<32009-02-25T09:17:09Z

I'm 20, caucasian and due 3/2/09

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