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Jess asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. pregnant!!!?

What is your opinion on a pregnant 16 yr. old?


It's not me.

29 Answers

  • AV
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Children having sex is inappropriate and immoral.

    What is it with the phrase "Mistakes happen..."? The mistake is that the child had sex to begin with, not that they "accidently" became pregnant. The MISTAKE shouldn't be made to begin with. MORALITY needs to be instilled, and too many out there are lacking in that respect.

    Children shouldn't have sex, period, with or without protection. It's sad that there are parents (I use that term loosely here) who don't mind and think that just b/c "times have changed" that's it's okay for a child to have sex.

  • 5 years ago

    When i see a young pregnant girl i do not judge unless i know the circumstances. She could have been raped. Or maybe if she wasnt she could have been in love with a boyfriend of five years. Lets say it was a beloved boyfriend if they had been together at least a year and a half and did what they did for the right reasons i see no reason to judge. They didnt do it on purpose. There are billions of other teens doing the same things they just dont happen to get pregnant. There are adults who have one night stands all the time so why is that okay but a teen who just so happens to get pregnant with her bf of 4 months is not okay? I guess what im trying to say is a pregnant teenager shouldnt be judged unless you know all the details.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My opinion is don't! But I cant judge at all, I had my first child at 17, my parents was very upset and I got looked at all the time.I was the only girl at school pregnant, and there was a lot of people that had rude and smart comments to make. But now he is about to be 7, the past years have been very tough for me. Once I got pregnant my friends started dropping like flies. Finding time to hang out was hard...I had school in the morning,come home get ready for work and after that night class, all to make sure that I graduated but still could support my own child. Now the friends I have are people my age and a couple years younger, that I work with, none have kids. They are always going on vacations and parties, inviting me but I cant go. I have no exciting stories to tell, I wish I would have waited but he is a blessing, but really think about things you want to do that you wouldn't be able to do at the drop of a dime if you have a child. Your young and enjoy it because you can only say it once.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am only going to say this the percentage of pregnant teens that finish high school is very low. Which means that someone has to support the baby being the mother has no education to get a decent job. Majority of teenage fathers do not acknowledge or pay for the baby that they have helped create.

    The next problem is that Grandma and Grandpa end up paying for, supporting and raising a baby that they did not create. The alternative if Grandma and Grandpa can not support the baby is my tax dollars going toward the welfare programs that will support this child until he or she is 18.

    if that does not give you my opinion on teen pregnancy then I don't know what will!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think its a young age but by no means any way to ridicule. Teen mothers deal with way more then lets say a 23 year old thats married. They deal with lack of money, ridicule, more then likely being a single parent as the dad more than half the time takes off. I think a teen who decides to keep their baby is strong. Its a hard long road. You forgo most of the luxuries you would have as a teen. Im not telling 16 year olds to "open their legs" as some so rudely put it but im not saying have sex. Wait if you can. You have your whole life ahead of you so be a kid while you are. And if you are pregnant....congratulations and I hope the best for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was 16 years old, I was a sophomore in high school with a new boyfriend. The kinds of things I was thinking about were whether I was going to get into the play, whether I would be able to write a 5 page paper on Emily Dickinson...things like that. Then, one day, the idea popped into my head that I wanted to be a young mother. My boyfriend quickly snapped me out of it and made me look at the other kinds of things that I had ahead of me that a baby would just thwart. Even at 19, while I suspect I'm pregnant, the baby's daddy (who's no longer my BF, but my best friend) and I just aren't ready for a baby, but I will be 20 when it is born. If you are 16 and pregnant, you need to get some kind of counseling to help you make the right decision. Also, you need pre-natal care ASAP to make sure that you and the baby are healthy. Telling the parents will suck...majorly, but after they get over their shock, they will support you...hopefully. But please, look into adoption. 16 is too young to be raising a's kids having babies.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was in high school, I knew two girls who got pregnant. At the time I didn't think much of it, but now, a decade plus later, I can't imagine... their kids are12 and 10 years old... I think of all that's happened in my life, things I'd have missed if I'd gotten myself pregnant at that age.

    My opinion is that they should not get themselves into that situation, they have NO IDEA what they are doing, no matter how much they think they know. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, a lot of times, their parents end up raising their babies.

    It's not an easy thing. I am not going to say it's immoral or a sin or any of that, I just think that some things are worth waiting for so you can do it right (when you are grown have experienced life, grown up, can take care of yourself and your baby etc), and there's a whole world to experience and learn in the meantime.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im 18 and i think its right for people even as young as me to start having children, not really. I am happy now that i know i can raise my baby to the best of my ability, but ppl make mistakes. i think the 16 year old should take care of the baby. but even for me at first it was a harsh realitity that im not carring for just myself anymore but another human depends on me! thats why i think its hard for some young ppl. but in the end there are alot of good young parents!

  • 1 decade ago

    Its sad but not unheard of...i jsut hope you have the support of your family. Either way you can make it-- people are always going to say negative things but whats done is done. And you cant take back bringing a baby into the world. It will be hard but get ready for it. Congrats on your blessing none the less. :)

    Source(s): 37 weeks 6 days.
  • 1 decade ago

    However mature and prepared, I think a 16 yr old is too young to be having children. She is still a child herself.

    A baby (any child) requires not only love and attention, but financial security (food, clothing, shelter, health expenses), parents who will spend quality time with him/her, and parents who has parenting skills (discipline, rewards, education....).

    Being pregnant forces the 16 yr old into assuming the roles of an adult....she should be getting her education, pursuing her goals, getting a job, having fun with friends, enjoying life.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom was a pregnant 15 year old- WITH ME!!! She raised me to be a successful, self-sufficient, level-headed, responsile, respectful contributer to society.

    No baby is a mistake.

    Being 40 doesnt qualify you to be a parent any more than being 16 desqualifies you from being a parent.

    Yes, the circumstances could be better.

    Yes, it will change her life.

    Yes, it will be very hard.

    No, it is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Yes, it is a blessing, if in disguise.

    Dont be so quick to judge based simply on age. I know 15-year-olds that are much more mature than most aduts.

    Source(s): 23 year old mommy of Kyle, 3.5 months. A 'mistake' baby that people like you once looked down on.
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