In an Excel Spreadsheet...?

Is there a way of creating a macro where you can start the macro. Have the Macro at a certain cell. Pause until data is put in. Then hit Tab (Or enter) to have the macro go to the next cell. Wait for the person to enter more data, and keep on going until all the data is entered? I know you can do this in Lotus 123. Can Excel do the same thing?


I am asking how to do this too. I did a search in help on Data, input, and other catch phrases. All it did was confuse me even more.


Favorite Answer

You shouldn't need a macro to do this.

In Excel you can highlight a bunch of cells. Then when you enter data and press enter, you will be taken to the next highlighted cell, and Excel will skip any cell that is not highlighted.

So what you can do is click on the first cell you want to enter data in to. Then hold down the CTRL key and highlight all of the other cells.

Then as I said above, when you enter the data, and press enter, you'll be taken to the next cell highlighted cell.

Now, if you want, you could use a macro to set this up. It would basically just be something like this.

Sub SelectDataEntryArea()

' For example you could use a bunch of cells

' or one block of cells

End Sub

Then the macro will end, and those cells will all be highlighted. You'll then be able to enter data and move around as I stated above.


Yes, go to your help menu for the proceedure.