Are Republicans responsible if the economy fails, because of their doom and gloom?

All they talk about is how all of Obama's plans will fail, even though they have offered nothing new or any real alternatives. All they have done is oppose, for the sake of opposing....without offering any real solutions or positive support for the long term health of our economy.

Lets not even get started with their inability to admit that it was their policies which trashed the economy in the first place....


Favorite Answer

Obamas policies merely build on Bush's policies. Failed policies all.
Raping the American taxpayer, inflating the currency, and propping up failed companies is never the answer.
Let the companies that can't compete fail. Let them hash it out in bancruptcy court. Liquidate the bad debt.


I would say that doom and gloom reporting played a large roll in what happened to the economy and that was typically by very Obama friendly news media. No they won;t be responsible and many very prominent economist who are not republican have also said the way this is being done will cause more damage in the log term then help in the short. It is funny that talking about inability to take responsibility is laid at the feet of Reepublicans when much of what was done was done with a Democratic Congress approval, large numbers of Democrats agreeiing with it and a Democratic President signing the bills. Bank deregulation and the ability to merge with insurance companies was allowed under the Gramm-Rudman Bill (republicans) and signed by President Clinton. The House and Seante both overwhelming voted for it with a 93% Yea vote in the Senate so large numbers of Democrats approved it, NAFTA Republican Congress and Democratic President, regulation of sub prime loans by Freddie and Fannie was stopped by a Democratic Congress twice once through fillibuster threat and again when they took the majority in 2006. Plenty of blame for both parties to share in and both are responsibile for it. They had a plan for the stimulus that was available but Re Pelosi and Sen Reid refused to look at it and the press said nothing about it; a copy was given to President Obama prior to the Democratic bill that passed. No discussion, debate or compromise was really allowed and what you got was a bill that approved paying bonuses to executives that was such a shock and surprise to the people who erquested it be done. I have not seen or heard any type of accepting responsibility done by the Democrats at all in their part of this but just a repetition of "Bush did it" or "We won, get over it". If the economy fails it will be because a social agenda was being pushed instead of a bill to get this country going again.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the republicans have come up with several plans, plans that make allot more sense. The democrats nor Obama are even taking them into consideration. At this time the democrats and our leader are so full of arrogance that they are not listening to anyone with the intelligence to know what to do. There are many, many well known economists that would gladly help, but their concerns are being brushed under the rug. After all, Pelosi said it best about how the democrats and president feel, "We won!" was her glorious statement. And you have to go farther back than Bush or today's republicans to know why we are in this mess. Bush tried, along with some republicans, to get information about the solvency of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 2 years ago. They were told things were great! These two joke programs started with a democrat, FDR. He created GSE. This spawned FM & FM. These programs were created to get people into houses that they could not afford. And like all those socialized democratic programs, they failed. Took us right along with them. Big government does not work, never has, never will. So get with the program, do your homework and you will see what is really going on in this country.


Economics 101: Credit is expensive. Because of interest compounding this Stimulus will "never" be paid off. Let that sink in, "Never." With this, you are doomed to spend your entire future going without nice things in life.

Obama said in a campaign speech. Do you really think you can keep your thermostat on 72 degrees? Do you really think you can eat as much as you want? What he didn't say, you are going to take the bus, not drive a car. You are not going to go shopping every saturday. Lipstick, make-up? Those are luxuries, you don't need them.

Remember voodoo economics? He is multiplying the debt many times over but, saying he will cut it in half. Think about that, does that make sense to you. It is "impossible."

I'm not calling anyone stupid, I'm just saying you have been sold a bill of goods by a very charming liar.

ken s in area 512009-03-23T16:41:09Z

Time to get a new remote and switch the channel from MS-NBC .
No more leg Chills talk for you.
The only reason why the likes of MS-NBC and CNN and the rest are talking like that about Rep is to deflect from The Golden Tele Prompter Child Obama failure on the economy so far.

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