Advice needed-How to tell mom and stepdad that name change went through?

About a month ago, I talked to my mom and step-dad about me getting a name change. I wanted my name changed to where my last name would be the same as theirs. I am in my early 20s and wanted to do this for a long time (decade or so) but never had the money or found a lawyer who would do it for a reasonable price in our area. (In our area, the county and state that we live in requires you to retain legal counsel to do this. There aren't any do it yourself options). Anyways, the name change went through last week and yesterday I received the court documents in the mail. I just didn't know how to go about telling them about it. It's not that it is a shame thing or something I wasn't supposed to do, but I just lack the ability to be able to break news in general to people. I am not good at that for some reason. I was going to tonight, if they are still up after I get home from night school. Suggestions, advice please??


Favorite Answer

You are an adult, and have the right to change your name if you want to. Your family will probably be pleased about your decision.

It never hurts to take the initiative to do the things we want to do!


Do the card idea but give it to them at dinner and when they ask about the name tell them that you wanted to change it because you love them so much.


When I did it, I waited until fathers day and put the court document in a fathers day card.

If you don't want to wait that long, maybe you could do it for mothers day?

For me, it was about honoring my step-father who was the only father I ever knew and who raised me, so I really wanted it to be a gift to him, but it depends on your circumstance.


Sit down with them at dinner and i agree with the card idea!


Get them a cute card about you loving them and sign your new name on it..