I thought I would read a lot of more interesting questions. Instead, all I see are: "Miley Cirus", "Jonas Brothers", "Twilight", "Do I look hot in this pic", "am I good looking", etc, etc. I want to go all the way up to level seven, but with these types of questions, its getting kind of boring. What do you think?
Favorite Answer
You need to take the time to go into every single category where you have any interest at all. You'll be surprised at what you'll find. Yes, there are lots of 'rate me' pics, but for every one of those you'll find an interesting, witty, unusual question somewhere else. Don't prejudge the categories - having a look doesn't cost anything and you can just 'hover' around and watch the standard before you take part.
I thought that at first too. But when I read the questions and some answers, I thought to myself, "Surely they can't be that stupid?"
Well, they were and are. But, it gives you insight on people. I don't like questions on mundane things either. But at least they ask questions. They are trying to learn.
Give it a real try. You might be amused. Or, you might be able to help someone. Or, most importantly, you may learn something yourself.
Yes Ive seen so many dumb questions, saw this one question and this girl was saying bout how she tried drugs at a party and then wanted to know where to get them. I was like WTF!? I had a question based on a survey in class, it got taken off but there is soooo many dumb questions on here that its a suprise they stay on more then an hour or even get answered, and then the people who answer with like one word or answer just to be rude...
There are a lot of dumb questions for sure. But, if you can navigate into specific categories, it cuts down on a lot of the questions you don't want to see.