Is anyone bothered by the fact that during the G20 Conference Obama surrendered our national sovereignty?

During the G20 Obama agreed to the creation of the International Financial board which has the power to vote and thus set the pay structure for all businesses world wide. This board is made up of many countries but the US only has 1 vote on the board with the majority of the other votes coming from the EU. Because of the structure of the board our control of our economy has effectively been handed over to the EU. This is a rejection of our "Declaration of Independence" and our national sovereignty.


Beverly the transcripts are available so if you do not believe me why don't you google the International Financial Board and see what comes up. It is not a right wing thing it is a fact. The INF is being changed to the IFB and it will, according to Obama and the other leaders at the G20, set up pay principles for all companies. Why must people deny the facts without first checking them out?


Butt Face why do you resort to racial comments rather than just answer the question? I am the most cultured Red neck you will ever see or talk to so you may want to at least check it out for yourself.


Pedro good point. I hope we will decline to follow the IFB recommendations also. By reading the transcripts it appears that we may be bound by their rule and in such a case we would no longer be a soveriegn nation.


Hater I hope congress does block the formation of the IFB or at least our involvement in it. Do us a favor and write your representative to tell them you oppose international interference in our economy. I will do likewise. I am not a partisan guy I just believe very firmly that our founders wrote the most perfect document in history and I think we would be well advised to abide by it.

Pedro ST2009-04-09T05:15:42Z

Favorite Answer

I don't understand your concern. America is a member of the United Nations and you don't exactly obey all it's recommendations and resolutions...

Hater Police2009-04-09T12:15:53Z

You must be joking. The president can't pass laws without congress or spend without congress. Obviously he doesn't have the power to "surrender our national sovereignty".

Beverly is right...why wouldn't big corporations be protesting this here and abroad?


What do you mean he surrendered our sovereignty at the G20 conference? He did that on January 20th, where the heck have you been?


How ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that the multinational corporations would sit back and quietly accept such a move? Of course not. This is just the latest dumb claim from the Right wing talking points memo.

Also, why is it the GOP have said absolutely nothing on this issue? Probably because its BUNK.


Oh you rednecks make me laugh when you try to involve yourselves in conversations between the adults!!!!!!

It's just too cute how you actually think you understand what is going on.

Run along now.....

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