Is 'Socialism' the new 'Liberal'?

For years, Republicans have tried to say that 'liberal' is a bad word. They would use it as a brand to label all that was 'bad'. The problem is that REPUBLICAN POLICY is what destroyed our economy and created the wild roller coaster (mostly down) that our economy is riding.....and everyone with an ounce of common sense knows this.

So, now people are rightfully seeing 'liberal' the sensible route, and Republicans pull out a new word - 'socialist'.

What's scary is that even in economic calamity, this is the biggest policy change in the Republican party. While the Democrats are looking for answers to the economic issues of the day....Republicans just chose a new label to slander -- they are arguing semantics.

the Ol' Foolosifer2009-04-15T05:18:27Z

The problem of the economy started in 1913 when a democratic president and Congress created the Federal Reserve Bank and gave them sole rights to control our currency.
As Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson stated, a central banking system is nothing but a problem down the road and even Lincoln and Kennedy didn't like the national banking system.
Any time a private bank has control of a nations currency there will be trouble. This is why the whole world is in trouble at this time. China is the only nation that has a decent economy and they are feeling the crunch.
Socialism is a government where the state controls the industry and banking and is ruled by a few and has never worked. Democracy is ruled by the majority and seldom lasts long. The only way to have a viable government is to have a republic in which the rulers are elected and controlled by the people and industry is left to make it or break it on their own.


So as long as we give the left complete control everything will be fine? Ever wonder why we always hear about poor schools or healthcare yet they spend money on high speed rail links, water slides and opera houses and more on foreign aid this year than ever before, even as we go trillions of dollars into debt? Do you know how many zeroes a trillion dollars has? If you see this as only a democrat vs. republican equation then you are a fool. Wake up. Learn what "double speak " and the term "propaganda" means. The old liberals are now the libertarians, a group which I iddentify with on many issues, the new liberals don't care what you do as long as they can force you to do it, with them it's "do as I say, not as I do" which is why the White Hous eis full of tax cheats and the parking lot with foreign made cars. No I'm not praising the last White House because they helped make this situation possible, but finger pointing is just a distractions to distract us from VOTING OUT ALL INCUMBANTS IN 2010.

steve M2009-04-15T14:27:59Z

When did socialism become a bad word, OH Ya, When the Repukelicans made it out to be a scary word , Where were they when Bush was creating his Dictatorship as he stomped on the constitution taking advantage of the 9-11 attacks he allowed to happen. Where were all the the Scary words when Bush set record spending and Borrowed Record $Billions$ From China sending our economy SCREAMING to to the disaster we have today. It took Bush 8 years along with record Spending/borrowing to get into this mess, Now The Repups Finally Speak up When Its too late,and we need to spend 2xs what Bush spent to recover from the Pit of economic Hell BUSH dump our country into. Where were then HUH? Where? Too LIL TOO late! Now Shut The Hell Up and Get Behind YOUR PRESIDENT and your country for the Good of the people for a CHANGE!!


Socialism, viewed through the filters being provided by the administration and the Democratic Party is marvelous. If even 10% of it were true, I would enthusiastically sign on to it as a compromise.

I have always contended that 'American' Socialists are very well intended. They are different from the brutality we've seen from socialists throughout history. They're definition of Socialism is different. They have been tricked into thinking that the existence of a fire department in their community is a sterling example of Socialism's success.

There are plenty of examples where Socialism has come through the back door opened by well intentioned compassionate people who define themselves as Liberal.

Socialism is Communism's afterlife. It’s totalitarianism with a smiley face.
It is the marginalization of the people under the banner of compassionate Liberalism.

I don’t hate liberals. I’m related to many of them and was even married to one.
I don’t fear liberals. I fear FOR them.

Of all the liberals I know, if they knew what they were really doing, what end they were really arguing for, what element they were aligned with, they would pass out dead on the floor.

Please take the time to review the sources.
You seem to be a reasonable and compassionate person and not a typical angry liberal troll otherwise I wouldn't take the time to assemble them for you.

They are NOT conservative propaganda.
I am NOT a traditional conservative. I do believe government has a role in acting as my intermediary in providing for citizens who are not strong enough to independently benefit from what our society has to offer.

Schlafly explains the method by which you are being duped.


Wait a minute, the biggest deregulations of the financial institutions came about with Democrat Presidents. Both Carter and Clinton did more to deregulate the mortgage industry then Reagan or either Bush. Also both Bush II and McCain warned as early as 2003 of the coming housing crisis. Also, how is expanding the Federal Government suppose to help in any way but to take more freedoms from us? I mean look at socialized health care in other Nations, it does not work. Medicare doesn't even work like it is suppose to.

What we need to do is get rid of all career politicians in our government and get new blood in since neither party cares about anything but their own pay checks and perks.

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