Can you talk to the judge about your visitation order that he signed?

My sons dad says that he is talking to the judge that signed our visitation order and meeting with him. He usually is a constant liar and I thought a judge couldn't talk to one party with out the the other knowing about it. Ex parte communication?

April S2009-04-20T20:04:39Z

Favorite Answer

No he is lying the judge wont just talk to somebody. He would have to file something probably get a lawyer and you would have to be able to be there. Don't worry about him he is an idiot.


Ha, ha, ha. You are right, of course, unless your ex is budy-budy with the jduge.
He could, however, write a note to the judge, but I don't believe it will do him much good.


No he or you can't. You have to go thru the friend of the court or have a lawyer.