How do I do this pnp BJT small signal analysis?

OK, so I've got this pnp transistor here and I have to find the current and voltage amplification. However, I seem to have taken some...below average notes (it seems I really only took notes on the npn transistors). The circuit doesn't have a resistor (R_c) in the collector side of the transistor and my equations rely off it. I know that it is final/initial, but I need the equations to find the final and initial voltage as well as the final and initial current.


OK, so instead of using R_c I should just use R_e? (resistor on the emitter end)


Favorite Answer

If you have notes on the NPN, there is nothing different for the PNP, just change all voltage polarities, and the direction of all currents.

no, don't change any circuit elements or connections, just the voltage polarities.

For small signal analysis, nothing should change.



Small signals need not be sinusoidal, but ultimately they resolve to Fourier composites. AC Analysis is normally large signal, but AC also means accounting for shunting effects of capacitances. AC is just shorthand counterpoint to DC Biasing analysis of BJT circuits.