He wants to marry coz....?

He wants to marry coz he feel marriage will help him focus with life better...he is not in love with me .. nor am i - but he is a marriage material - I feel he is perfect for me ;) i know him for quiet long now..

But we both are attracted to each other - but not totally in love coz love cannot develop overnight - he is 29 me 27

guys and girls... wat u gotta say..?

PS. I am not confused !


Liam - FYI Marriage material means the perfect husband or wife .. which includes a good character, well settled and so on


Favorite Answer

Don't get married because he "seems" like a perfect fit. What if love never develops? My guess it that it won't. In my opinion, you'd know by now if you have the potential to fall in love with him.

Does anyone take marriage seriously anymore?

Tell him to get some Ritalin, not a wife.

Elliot Kane2009-05-02T04:56:39Z

If you both feel there is a lot of advantage in it and neither of you are going in with unreasonable expectations - why not?

People get married for many reasons. Love is the one we focus on mainly, in the West, but that's not to say the other types are lacking in merit.

If you both feel that a marriage would enhance your lives and take you a step closer to your life goals, go for it! There's no reason at all why the two of you cannot be happy together.

craig b2009-05-02T05:30:12Z

You've got the perfect opportunity here to prove to the world that it is NOT love that makes a marriage. It is in fact, perseverance and forgiveness that makes a marriage. It is a caring and understanding attitude in the face of honoring and nurturing each other. It is your word (vow) joined with his that will continue even in the deepest trials that will surely come.
It is those dopes that think that it is love that makes a marriage - when the first trouble comes along, what do they say? "I don't think I love you anymore." and they walk away. Marriage has NOTHING to do with love!
You've got your priorities straight. When you can come to love a person for who they are - even in anger and resentment; the tools and the path that you followed to MAKE that love will continue. You will be the one that will say "I don't think I love you anymore" and so what. "I said that I would continue in this marriage and I will learn to love you again. I did it once - I can do it again."

You have a strength that is not found much anymore.
Good Luck.

Douglas B2009-05-02T04:57:22Z

You can understand the situation properly but that doesn't mean you're not confused, at least what marriage is all about. You have to be shut off from your emotions to contimplate what you are wanting to do. For if you have any feelings alive in you you will end up feeling trapped in this thing called marriage because those feelings aren't being returned to you and that will be very hurtful.

Little Ollie2009-05-02T05:20:19Z

Personally I needed to love my husband before I married him. Marriage is a challenge and if I didn't have the love/passion to get me through difficult times I probably wouldn't have the will to stay married. If you like this man and feel that you could make a life together your choice. Good Luck.

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