I love mi Fiance but there's some issues. What should I do?
My fiance and I had been together for about 4 years now, he is really sweet and very respectful. I love to talk with him because we talk about everything. He used to work in the same company and department as me, actually I became his supervisor after a couple of months working together. He just got fired from his job and I do not know why, he said they did not tell him, which is allowed in the state we live in, and my boss says that they don't want to tell me because I would hurt a lot. I heard my boss' assistant saying that he got fired cuz he touched a girl the wrong way. months before this I caught him on camera as he was with this girl, she was sitting on the desk and they were talking, they never kissed but she shouldn't do that at all and they where very close.
He says he would never cheat on me and I told him that of he does he needs to tell me so we can work it out but he only gets one change if he does it again we would finish this relationship. we live together for as long as our relationship has been but now I'm not sure what to think now. He doesn't seem like he want to get married any time soon, we've been engaged for 2 1/2 years and he always says that we would get married one day. and for the looks of it he doesn't want to have kids either. HE is very smart but he doesn't want to study he only has his high school diploma and I am going to school to pursue a Degree in art.
What do I do? I love him but could my relationship last with this?
Not to defend him of anything. But there is someone saying all kinds of things about this issue at work. Again I do not know what to think, of course part of me want to beleive but I am very confused, my parents think he is a good guy and that yeah he needs to do something with his life because he has to provide for us. I guess my patience is running low.