I love mi Fiance but there's some issues. What should I do?

My fiance and I had been together for about 4 years now, he is really sweet and very respectful. I love to talk with him because we talk about everything. He used to work in the same company and department as me, actually I became his supervisor after a couple of months working together. He just got fired from his job and I do not know why, he said they did not tell him, which is allowed in the state we live in, and my boss says that they don't want to tell me because I would hurt a lot. I heard my boss' assistant saying that he got fired cuz he touched a girl the wrong way. months before this I caught him on camera as he was with this girl, she was sitting on the desk and they were talking, they never kissed but she shouldn't do that at all and they where very close.
He says he would never cheat on me and I told him that of he does he needs to tell me so we can work it out but he only gets one change if he does it again we would finish this relationship. we live together for as long as our relationship has been but now I'm not sure what to think now. He doesn't seem like he want to get married any time soon, we've been engaged for 2 1/2 years and he always says that we would get married one day. and for the looks of it he doesn't want to have kids either. HE is very smart but he doesn't want to study he only has his high school diploma and I am going to school to pursue a Degree in art.

What do I do? I love him but could my relationship last with this?


Not to defend him of anything. But there is someone saying all kinds of things about this issue at work. Again I do not know what to think, of course part of me want to beleive but I am very confused, my parents think he is a good guy and that yeah he needs to do something with his life because he has to provide for us. I guess my patience is running low.


Favorite Answer

Duno what is like in America but that seems a bit extreme being engaged for 2 1/2 years.Not sure if u meant he had cheated before but he seems to be a flirt and you cant change that part of him. If he has cheated and that was the issue with work you should not be with him.

Its quite handy to live with your partner from the start but risky. you have obviously been very close over the years but are u still 2gether for convenience or love.

If it is just convenience then you should probably leave him as you have a great chance of meeting someone new at school or work.

If its love then you need better communications confront him and tell him what you have heard. Tell him that he needs to sort his life or he will lose you forever. Its best to have things in the open and not hide your worries.

Good luck


If it doesn't feel right to you AND you have proof on camera of him being an insensitive jerk, why give him the time of day? He got fired for a reason, and if they don't want to tell you why...I suspect it does have something to do with that girl. He sounds REALLY immature and it sounds like you have more than tried to make this work, even to the point of letting yourself be walked on. It's not right and you need to look out for yourself. I know it's hard to let go of a long term relationship...4 years is a long time! But, it would be way worse to stay together for another 4 years, find out he's cheating, not get married, have no children and he's sitting there with no job and no education. You can do WAAAAAYYYY better...so do it! You may have started out on the same page when you started your relationship, but obviously you have different goals now. That's not a bad thing...you are growing up and he's regressing, don't hold yourself back for this jerk. Good luck!!


Red flags of a useless bozo:

-He only has a High school diploma (puag!) An uneducated man will guarantee you financial strugle forever. A girl has to have standards.

-He wants to ge married "someday". Sorry to break the news to you, but "someday" is not a date nor a serious commitment or even considered an engagement. He is only saying that to keep you in his bed and for you to continue to give hime sex, cook, clean and pay the rent.

-His misconduct an work got him fired. Hello?????

-He's after other women, he is a cheating pig.

Anyone deserves better than an unemployed, cheater, ignorant, loser. Kick that waste of air to the curb.

Good luck


It sounds like to me he is confused on what he really wants and when people talk about marriage they get scared and they feel trapped in my opinion I will never get married we have a high % of divorces and what causes divorces is marriage in this world. anyways why not just be boyfriend and girlfriend and say your married in your minds what is the difference a piece of paper from the court? I don't pay attention to any of that garbage anyways. And if he can't come to you about anything it will not work NO... communcation is the number 1 key to work a relationship out you have to talk it out and understand each other and try to solve the problem


Absolutely not, It seems to me like there is more to the story then he is telling you. Yal been 2gethr for 4 years and living 2gether 4 years,(did he just need a roof over his head?) ,you are engaged but he says he will marry you oneday, he dont have a job, he dont want kids, he dont want to go to school. WHAT DO HE WANT TO DO? Why did you two move in together so quickly? IDK, sounds fishy, be careful and watch your heart.

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