Needing your advice...should I stay or should I go?
ok,I've answered my share of questions here tonight...during so I have decided to ask for some personal advice from you all.
This is gonna be a long one....but I will try to keep it brief :)
I was in a 2+ yr relationship with a fairly good man.He was good to me,gave me anything and everything I wanted.I even tramp stamped his name across my back.The first year was great! We had so much fun together.He is a super caring person when it comes to me...even still.
Well his job kept him hundreds of miles away for weeks at a time so we didn't get to spend a lot of time together.He kept promising to get a local job but never went through with it,I guess because his job paid 60,000 a year and others were way less.He has been in the same line of work most of his life as a tankerman.
Ok let me get to the real part....A year ago this month I started cheating on him with a guy I have known all my life but never liked before.I fell in love with him fast which caused my long term relationship to end,my choice. We are still in contact and he wants me back.We have been split for 7 months now and have not seen one another but do text message back and forth.
I chose the guy I started cheating with and after 7 months now I do not know where we are headed if anywhere at all.I am 35 and he is 40 and he does not communicate with me or is affectionate with me like my x was.We live apart of course in the same town and we only see each other on Wed,Fri and Sat. We go nowhere together,do nothing when we are together which I am not use to. He tells me he cares for me but does not talk to me about 'us'.
So what I am asking is since I left one relationship and started another I would like this to work out being that things would never be the same if I got back with the x so how do I get him to open up to me and communicate with me? It is getting very frustrating and driving me crazy because my heart is wrapped up in this now!
We are starting to argue a lot about stupid stuff too,but mostly I think is jealousy?
Any serious comments are appreciated.
Ok I see I twisted this a tad bit at the end....I want to know how to get the new man to open up and talk to me. I ask him so many questions that he avoids/never answers or just says 'I don't know'. Sometimes he is different too when I am around,like he gazes off into space and other times he is very talkative. I need advice from men and women on how to get outta him what I need to know before I spend anymore possible 'wasted time'
Thanks :)