My cat has ear mites?

He runs from the smell of everything I have bought.Any ideas what I might try?


Favorite Answer

Please do not use store bought ear mite medicines or homemade remedies. Old remedies require that you apply the medicine or home remedies to the inside of the ear for long periods of time. It is not ideal to cause the cat extra unneeded trauma.

A topical treatment called Revolution is a one time douse given to the cat by parting the hair between the shoulder blades and squirting a few drops of the liquid medicine. Revolution enters the bloodstream through the skin. Concentrations of Revolution in the blood and tissues prevent heart worm disease and prevent and treat roundworm and hookworm infections. Revolution selectively redistributes from the blood to the skin and other tissues, where it provides protection against fleas, flea eggs, and ear mites giving your kitty an all around once over for many troublesome issues.

I have used this several times before on my farm cats with perfect results. The medicine is low cost, I think one douse ran a total of about 15-18 dollars. Not bad for a one time remedy that relieves both cat and owner from the head ache of applying medicine to ears.


AWhen my cat had mites I used peroxide. I would pour some on a cotton ball and put a few drops in each ear and then use a Q-tip to remove the mites. You'll have to do this a few times but it works.


well does your cat trust you? dont let it run away just hold it gently.
then again a towel will work also just wrap it up like a baby but be GENTLE!
my cat hates the same kind of thing, if anyone else tries to give him anything he will freak out and try to get away, for me he knows that i wont hurt him and he will just sit there while i hold him, finish the job, and then he just goes off as if nothing happens.

again the towel is the best if your worried, because when i was younger my mum made me do that because she thought i'd get killed by the cat, however half the time i just said i was using it and really didnt.


We put 2 drops of Frontline in each ear, and the rest on the cat. It is off-label, but very safe and effective. Talk to your vet.


ear mites are a sign of fleas.......use a product from your vet.....because over the counter items like "HERTZ" CAN BE VERY DAMAGING TO YOUR PET....CAN EVEN CAUSE THEM TO DIE.,

use a frontlilne, revolution or advandix product...

get rid of the fleas get rid of the ear mites

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