my daughter is 2 1/2 and ive been potty training her for about 8 first she got the hang of it and i would ask her if she needed to potty and sometimes she would let me know but here lately she'll tell me no and wont let me know anything and she will just potty on herself..anywhere from 1 to 3 times a day..what should i do???
i use pull-ups and ive explained to her that when she needs to potty while she wearing it to just pull it down and go but she wont she'll just go in her pull-up
thank you very much for the candy advice. i think that would be a good idea..and also i do have her wear panties and she pees in them to... she does use the potty alot.. but she is still going in her panties or pull-up if she wearing one.. thats why i dont understand because she does get the whole concept of using the potty its she just wont use it all the time..
ok yea your right..she will take atvantage of the candy thing.. i didn't realize that..i don't want her teeth to rott out
Jeorge's Mommy♥ ɛïɜ2009-05-27T11:31:21Z
Favorite Answer
You can watch the potty project on the pull-ups website for some good tips. Maybe try putting her in normal big girl underwear. Let her pick them out for some excitement and then buy lots! Let her run around in just a shirt and underwear to make things easier. Then make sure you reward her for using the potty...use stickers or something that motivates her. You can say something like 10 stickers gets a reward and then pick a reward that she will really enjoy like going for ice cream or going for a trip to the zoo...anything that will make her want to get the stickers badly enough to pee on the potty.
This is very common. Here is what I would do. First, switch from pull-ups to panties. Let your daughter help pick them out and make a big deal over them. Tell her she doesn't want to mess them up. (But don't shame her if she does). Yes, this might be harder on you at first, but it's worth it. She won't like the feel of wet panties. Then train yourself to take her to the potty at certain times, whether she wants to or not. Also if you suspect she has to go, take her even if she says she doesn't have to. Don't ask if she needs to- just inform her that it's time to go potty. Sometimes kids just don't want to stop what they're doing to go potty. So if for example she's playing with her dolls, assure her that she can play with her dolls some more after she goes to the potty, and then point out to her, "see, your dolls are still here, and now you can play some more". I have 6 children and a grandchild, and these things have worked with them. You should be over this little "hump" in no time!
First dont push it but encourage it. For my son the pull ups were just a waste of money b/c when he was playing and didn't want to stop to go to the potty he would just go in his pull up b/c it is just like a diaper. Get the old school training underwear and plastic pants. The training underwear are super padded cotton so they absorb the wettness but they still feel it on their skin to know it is yucky and the plastic pants go on over the cotton to save your carpet. My son really responded to a potty chart. every time he went potty he got a star and if he got so many stars by the end of the wk he would get a special prize that he could pick. I gave him choices like a trip to the park, new big boy pants, baking with mommy or as simple as a lolli pop. some ppl do if you go a wk with out an accident you get a prize but i didn't think this was realistic. and most of all PRAISE them when they go. cheer yell dance have fun with it. Learn the potty dance at pull ups My son loves doing this even now that he is potty trained.
We have been "in training" here as well. My 2 1/2 is almost trained. I never ask her if she has to go, if I see her doing the "pee pee" dance I just take her hand and off we go. I didn't just start her on potty training though. Changing diapers has never been a favorite chore of mine but I chose to have this child and dirty diapers comes with having babies. She very often would follow me into the bathroom and would see me sitting on the toilet. When she would want to see what was in the toilet I would show her. When she began asking "what's that" and pointing to the toilet I told her. Finally one day after I had flushed and was ready to leave she pointed to the toilet and said "Me too" so I chuckled, took down her diaper and set her on the toilet and held her. After a couple of minutes I hear a plop she jumped up and we both looked in and there was a turd floating in the water. I praised her clapped my hands and we went and got ice cream. Every time after that when I headed towards the bathroom I got "me too" and she pretty much went every time. I haven't used pull ups because I don't see where they are all that great. My niece STILL wet her pants when she used them and didn't tell her mother when she needed to go. So I am hesitant at using them now.
You should purchase a potty seat he can use at the grownup potty, or you'll make him use the child. Either means you'll be able to most commonly need to keep in the toilet with him till he is going for the primary few months of potty coaching. Don't assume him to be competent to head in there and deal with it himself. Grab a booklet and plant your self till he is going. Don't make it disturbing. You can present a present of a few form if he makes use of both potty (like 2 m&m's). Be sufferer despite the fact that he isn't and do not fear. Training takes time.