Cat section: Talkative cat owners?

I'm looking into several cat breeds that I would like to get. I've narrowed my list down to 4 breeds that I like. Oriental Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Russian Blue, and Peterbald. I really like the look of Oriental Shorthair, but I know they are talkative cats. Does anyone own an Oriental or a talkative cat? Are they annoying to live with, or do you get used to it?

Save a Life. Spay or Neuter!2009-07-07T19:28:10Z

Favorite Answer

My cat is EXTREMELY talkative. That is actually how she got her name, Gabby!
Personally, I love having a talkative cat. She has a variety of sounds that she makes, and sometimes we even hold little conversations :)
When adopting a cat I actually look for one that is more vocal, as it gives them more personality in my opinion.


Talkative Cat Breeds


As much as I adore felines I think this man is a bit eccentric. If he will stop in the middle of a conservation with you and go play with his cats then there is something in his past that has made him put his cats ahead of other people. I am sure there are a lot of people like this and cats are their one and only interest in their lives. I feel this relationship may not be the one your are looking for nor deserve. Trust me I go gaga over cats and sometimes feel that they are truly better than humans but I feel there is something that has happened in this mans life that has made him shun people, then again I could be totally wrong. If you are not happy in this relationship then it would be best to end it since it is clear that he will pick his cats over anyone.


short haired cats are the best to go. you don't have to worry about hairballs, knots in their fur, or shedding.

i have a talkative cat (not an oriental shorthair) but he's really talkative.
after a little while you will get used to the talking. plus, i think it's adorable when they talk and meow a lot.
Oriental Shorthair, seems like a great selection.
^^btw, sorry for any spelling mistakes, i typed fast. haha.

good luck :)


I don't have those breeds, I have a Blue Point Himalayan, but he is pretty talkative. I have found that it really isn't that annoying. His is more when he wants attention or something like that. I think that you learn to tune it out after a while. Our dogs play and growl and bounce all over the house, and we have learned to tune that out as well... so I think that if you have a high tolerance and the ability to tune things out, that you won't find it to be a nuisance.

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