Whats the difference between full DXM pills (like robotussin) and Triple c's (ccc's)?

which ones worse to use to get high? I know there both bad to use but which ones worse? and why? detailed answer gets best anwer


Favorite Answer

DXM is DXM. All other active ingredients are undesirable at best. Coricidin (CCC) contains an antihistamine that's probably responsible for most DXM related emergency room visits.

Coricidin is far and away worse for you.


well dxm pills are different than robotussin, dxm pills are the extracted dxm chemical thats found in robotussin and triple c's, if the choice is robotussin or triple c's then go with the triple c's for two reasons, 1. robotussin tastes like ****, and triple c's have less guaifenesin in them which makes you sick, also make sure its the cough and cold kind, cause every other kind will just make you throw up


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