Have you ever accidentally taken your cat's medication?


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It happened to me last night, so I'm just wondering if it has happened to you.


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I had a sweet little cat who had bad seizures. The vet gave me valium for her, it didn't help her seizures any, so I accidentally took them.


The only cat medication I have is for the couch squatter's dead cat that I may or may not have accidentally put a death curse on. I think it's kitty Ritalin or something like that. His cat had hostility and anger issues.

I hated that freaking cat.


Thankfully, Fluffypants is not a "special needs" kitty, so I usually do not have cat medication on hand.

However, I once wore his cone by accident. I thought it was a choker. The emerald green color was very flattering, and my posture had never been better.


General Leon Pleasant2009-07-22T21:02:26Z

My cat is a Scientologist and refuses to go to the Vet or take medications.


Not accidentally!!

My cat needs medical Marijuana for his appetite.

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