Need help with some problems with my step daughters mom?
Okay my step daughter I have been with since she was 14 months. She lives with her dad and I . Now that it is summer she stays with her mom a week on and week off. During the school year she goes every weekend to her moms.
Now we have mainly had decent contact and have got along. But about the last months things have been strained so to speak.
Okay lets start by saying she pays no support at all for her daughter, my husband had it dropped so she wouldnt go to jail (this was both our decisions)
He told her he would drop it as long as she helped with things like school clothes and you know the stuff kids have to have throught the year. She was fine with that.
My step daughter will be 10 at the end of august.
She broke her wrist at her mom's house- her mom took her to the doctors and they gave her things that the insurance doesnt cover so we got the bill.
When it came time to take her to the specilaist her mom said she would take her and then never took her it was me, and then when it came time to go back after another month it ws me. each time was she had no gas. okay.
Then she came home with ring worm, okay we went and got medicine, and was applying it. We went to her baseball game on her moms week and we checked it and it looked as it was getting worse and she told us she was putting anything on it , she didnt have the money for the medicine(over the counter cream 2-3.00. But she never called us to say hey I know you guys had medicine for hr can I come and get it cuz I have no money to buy it.
My step daughter is some what over weight. Her mom came over and thru papers at us about children being over weight but lets lay on the couch and watch tv all day if that is what she wants to do. which I have been working on getting her moving more but her mom tells her mc donalds hamburger and french fries are only a snack. her mom doesnt make her eat vegatables if she dont want to eat them , and let her eat 13 bagel bites plus 2-3 hours later tell her this about mc donalds.
Then her mom doesnt have deoradnat for her so she goes all week with personal hygiene items and so I sent some with her to her moms house. Now the next issue is about a bra- she very much in need of wearing one of these and her mom thinks this is not nessacary at all.
Also her mom is constantly saying well i dont have gas money you will have to pick her up or bring her to me.
Now i understand everyone is upon hard times as we are as well, but I feel we take care of everything - She hasnt spend more than 200.00 on her child in over 2 years. We beelive it is her respoability to at least pick her up and drop her back off. We are doing everything else.
How do I deal with this? Do i not worry about is she smells at her moms house, or what she is eating? or id she is being properly dressed? or if she isnt getting the medicine and she gets more sick, and the fact that she is contanstly getting something from there and we are having to foot all the bills with no help.
Any suggestions to handle this in a way that doesnt come across as You did this you did that, but get across that we need some help but we dont want to have to go to court and make her pay just to have our daughters mom throwed in jail cuz we dont want that either.