Should YahooAnswers allow comments on questions and answers?

So that you can maybe expand on someone else's answer as well?


Favorite Answer

Comments on each answer would get very messy very fast.

You can expand on someone elses answer in your own answer, just make it clear that is exactly what you are doing.


There is a Comment Box once a Best Answer has been chosen. But I don't think very many people even look at it. I've suggested they make it gold like when someone gives you a star, but that hasn't happened.
Right now only the questioner can add "additional details" by clicking on the pencil. :)


Yeah it would be nice. But I think that would be more of a dialogue. They should put a yahoo chat feature in this session. But hey they will figure that out in time. The original Yahoo chat has too many idiots in it.


Yes, I totally agree on that. Often, I saw a resolved question and want to comment on that but can't.


maybe. but i think once a person answers they don't often go back to check it again. so it might be a useless action.

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