Names plz for a playful kitten?

It's a male kitten it play allot and it sleep allot i have my option already on what to name it ,but i can't decide on one .
This are the names:
Cosmo; creams; snoopy; or coockie.
Oh and this is a a blond kitten.
Tell me which one you like best and if you have names for this kitten tell me or a website.

JaMiE(= Bird/Poll answerer2009-07-31T12:48:14Z

Favorite Answer

Snipper, Taz, Jumpy, Bang, Player, Cosmo, Creamy Delight, Silly man..


I reckon Layla would really suit a dark female cat - it is an Arabic female name that conjurs up a great sense of nightime mystery; 'fil layl' - means 'in the night'. Plus Layla was a great song from Derek and the Dominoes (E Clapton esq plus some mates).


Love Cosmo and Creams, how about Butter from the other answer?


I think Cosmo would be a really cute name for him, or creams sounds nice too :p


I was gonna name MY cat Mandolin Sexypants
Or Luna Lovegood

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