Is poison ivy contagious?

We are having a little debate here at work. There has been alot of clients coming in that have poison ivy. Some of our therapists feel that it is only locally contraindicated, and that you may work on the rest of the body, others feel that it is completely contraindicated, and that the client needs to get doctors permission before recieveing massage. So, which is it. Is poison ivy contagious in any way shape or form from a person who has it.


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A poison ivy rash is an allergic reaction to the oil of the plant itself. Once the plant's oil has been completely washed off of the skin, it's not contagious. Think about it this way - if a person has an allergic reaction to something and breaks out in hives, you know their hives aren't "catchy", they aren't contagious and you won't get hives from touching them. The hives are their body's allergic response to an allergen, and the blistering poison ivy rash is the same thing, an allergic response. Of course if the rash is oozing you may not want to touch it just because that's gross, but touching it won't give you a poison ivy rash, only touching the oil of the plant itself will.


The ivy itself is contagious only through physical contact. The oil which causes the skin allergy in most humans can survive for years even after the plant has died. However, if he has washed off the area thoroughly, and he doesn't pick at it, you will be just fine. It is certainly not contagious through the air, so being near him will not hurt you.


The oil of the plant is what causes the problem. Once someone has come in contact with the plant and washed off the oil, changed their clothes, there is no way for anyone else to contact poision ivy from them. The reason you are having alot of cases lately is probably because it is summer time and people are outside and it is obviously abundant in your area. Naturally you don't see much of poision ivy rashes during the winter time because people are not outside. That is just common sense.


yes it is contagious avoid physical contact with someone who has it

~PoCkEt FuLL oF SuNShInE~2009-08-08T10:43:18Z

The person themselves are not contagious. Please read.