How to deal with future mother in law?
I will first say I love that my fiancé is close to his family and in no way want him to be away from them. And I will marry him. He is super close to my family. Basically to put it nicely, I never really clicked with my fiancée’s parents. His mom has always been sugary sweet to my face, but I always got the phony vibe from her. We have little in common, though we can make small talk if needed. I would go over with baked goods and was always nice to them. They seem to have this holier then though attitude where they think they are perfect and seem really judgmental which he and I are not. I always went over, was respectful, baked cakes for them but eventually started to dread going over since they never ask me anything about myself or make normal conversation. I live alone so he stays over a few nights a week and we go out in my area so I don’t see them often, only positive. She would do occasional nice things, but I hardly think it's from the goodness of her heart and that she does it so my fiancée, her only child, will think she's from heaven above. I've told my financee nicely that we have little in common so we may not become close. He confided in me that his mother did not like a previous girl he was dating bc she wore a skirt to the house when she first visited, that one reason alone.
She can't stand her mother in law and has bashed, made fun of and talked about her to my fiancée for the past 29 years, causing him to be close to her mother and not his dad's mom. She is as sweet as sugar to her though, really overkill. My only communication with her has always been through my fiancée and I am fine with that. To make a long story short, she did something that offended my a while back, I spoke about it with my fiancée, he confronted her and I guess no one calls mommy out. Ever since then she's become a witch. Some instances are: at my engagement party that my family paid for she only socialized with her side and her family, my friend caught her glaring at me and the rest of my friends at our table and even questioned why she hardly spoke to me. The next time I saw her at a family party that I went to out of respect for my fiancée, she gave me no kiss hello, waved her hand and turned her back, rolled her eyes and smirked at her husband when my mother called my fiancée’s cell phone which I find disrespectful to me and my mother, tried to ease drop on our conversation, glaring at me while I was eating, all during this I killed her with kindness telling her how great her food is, even though I didn't like it. She couldn't even say thank you. When my finacee was around though she made sure to give me a kiss goodbye lol. After that day I had enough and haven't seen her since and it’s been great. I am kind and respectful to those who treat me that way, but if you act like an ahole, I pull back and sometimes people get the hint. My fiancée invited me, not her directly, to go to eat for her bday, but since I guess he sees the ways she acting and sensed the tension told me "If you don't want to come, I’ll more then understand and u don't have to". I never gave him an answer so he knows I won't be going, why should I? I will send my regards to her through him. I am happy seeing her when I have to and I will be cordial and respectful but will not kiss ***. It is his mother, so he can deal with her. Am I doing the right thing by distancing myself, as at this point I don’t care? Please nonjudgmental advice. She also doesn’t know me very well in that I will call and put people in their place, family or not, in about 2 seconds flat, but haven’t to her out of respect.
I will go to family events with him, but right now I don't feel the need to sit across from her at her birthday as I can't stand her lol. I will kill her with kindness though next time I see her.