If you hear your kids curse?
What do you do, not talking about cursing at you, but cursing in general.
This all depends on the person answering (you guys' opinion), I personally wouldn't mind unless I had a small child around.
What do you do, not talking about cursing at you, but cursing in general.
This all depends on the person answering (you guys' opinion), I personally wouldn't mind unless I had a small child around.
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I don't mind. I curse too, so who am I to tell my daughter to not curse when I'm doing it right in front of her? She's a teenager, by the way.
My son has the option to choose what words he uses, but in our family home and with our family and friends, we don't curse, period. We teach him now that those words make people feel sad and angry, that they make us sound unintelligent to other people, and that they are disrespectful. If he were to curse as a small child, we'd remind him and teach him again why we don't use those words. If he were to curse as an older child, understanding why we don't curse but still choosing to, we'd assess the situation. If he was cursing up a blue streak just to get a reaction from someone, we'd have him take a break from everyone, spend some time calming down and getting out of whatever caused him to curse, and we'd talk to him and with him about why he said it and what he can do to make everyone else feel better about the problem he caused (hurting their feelings and being disrespectful). If, of course, the situation genuinely warranted a choice curse word, I'd have him take a break away from everyone, calm down, and then go back to the situation.
Depends on how old they are, where they are cursing, and what word they are using. If one of my children under 12 cursed at home or in public I would tell them to watch their mouth. If it is a toddler I will tell them that that is a bad word and they should not say it and I would not laugh, because that just gives them a reason to say it more. I would say the same thing to any of my children at any age is we were in public.
I'd talk to them and try to find out where they learned that kind of language. Cursing like wrapping oneself in the flag is the last refuge of the scoundrel. I would explain to them that cursing never accomplishes anything other than making people think less of you. While I believe in being strict with children I truly believe cursing hurts the curser more than the cursee.
mmhmm =]
Honestly, if it is not done excessively or at you, it's not that big of a deal. But if it really bothers you, then every time you hear them curse, tell them casually not to, at least not in the house. If they start cursing AT you, or doing it excessively, that's when you can start to punish them.