Anyone know how to calm a pissed off cat?

My wife and I brought in a cat that we found outside of our home so we could get animal control to pick it up, and now even though the cat is gone our pet cat is going insane all throughout our home. She.s growling and hissing at everything even us, and even bit my hand when I tried to pick her up to calm her down. How can we help her?


Favorite Answer

Leave them alone. Put out some food for her and some water, and treats if handy. Make sure she's calm before you try to pick her up or anything that might threaten her even more. Don't make any loud noises or sudden jerky movements, and speak quietly and soothingly to her. However stay out of reach.


Yeah, she's pissed. She's probably a little freaked about the horror of another cat in her territory, then the horror of it being hauled away. Until she feels confident that this is her home, and only her home, and she's not going to be hauled away from her home.... she'll be on edge. I would advise just leaving her be. Don't try to pet her or talk to her or soothe her. Just let her chill. If that means hiding under the stairs, so be it. She'll be back to herself as soon as she feels like it, and not one minute before. :)


attempt to take a seat down back. She is nice and extremely ordinary. the incontrovertible fact that she is enjoying is stunning! Cats have sturdy memories and she or he may be slightly hesitant approximately going onto the balcony for awhile because of the fact she would be able to no longer choose for to work out that different cat returned, yet purely provide her lots of affection and wait and spot along with her. She is doing super.


the same thing happened to my cat about a couple months ago!
he's still mean an still bites an what not. :(


just give it time to realize the other cat is gone and she will calm herself down.