plagiarizing for art competition?

hey everyone, there is this art competition coming up and i was thinking about entering however I CAN'T for the life of me draw something out of my head. I have wicked copying skills however, so i really want to enter and i want to draw something from google images. not just one picture but a few.

so is this plagiarism?
i really want to enter, winners get cash, what if i don't get the money is it still okay from me to enter?

ps i just want to get my facts straight, don't want to get sued or anything.


Favorite Answer

If you directly copy from a photo, yes it is copyright infringement. You probably won't be sued, but you will be disqualified from the contest.

However, you can reference a photo. Find several photos of the subject you want to draw. Use them to draw your subject without directly copying any of the photos. Or better yet, if you take photos of your own you can trace or copy from them without any problems.