If you [a cat] stare at a person long enough, she will do what you want her to.
If your head is under the sofa and your body is not, nobody can see you because you can't see them.
If you make yourself as small and low to the ground as you can, when you creep along the floor, it will be difficult to see you.
Everything here belongs to you.
Please add the rules that you have learned from your cat.
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After my human has given me a bath, the best place to sit and dry off is the middle of her back, or on the keyboard of the computer. (Actually got pictures the other day of my cat doing this.)
If I stick my paws under the bathroom door while my human is in there, she will come out faster.
The easiest way to get treats is to scale the side of the dresser to get to the top where they are kept.
If I roll back and forth on the floor, staring at my human, while half meowing/half purring, she will think it is cute and pet me, as well as give me treats.
The best time to prowl and investigate everything is right after my human turns off the light to go to bed.
The best way to wake up my human in the morning is to stick my cold wet nose in her face.
One of the best toys in the world is my human's lanyard with the keys on it.
If I sit by the door and look pitiful as my human is leaving, maybe she will come back faster.
If I try hard enough I will eventually catch the frog sitting on the outside of the window, and catch one of the squirrels running around outside.
If I scratch at the bedroom door long enough, my human will get annoyed with it and let me in just to have some peace.
If you see a person going into the kitchen follow them in and start meowing until they feel guilty and hand over some nice food.
If your human knits and they have to put their knitting on a table or couch to answer the phone you should lie down on it to test it for comfort and warmth.
Go for a nap in the laundry basket or some place they don't know you sleep. Then they have to look for you.