Not sure what to think?

My son is 16 months old and my husband and I are thinking about getting my Mirena pulled out next month and start trying to conceive #2 from January on. We want our kids to be close in age, but not so close that we go nuts.

Well my aunt had asked me when my son was going to get a little sister, so I told her the plan..she was really excited. BUT my grandmother who was also in the room gave me the most disgusting look that I have ever seen and asked if that was such a good idea.

I have had PPD that never really went away, but I am on meds for that.

It just really bothers me that she would say something like that...I am just making a big deal out of nothing?

Kimmy Kim2009-10-05T13:57:10Z

Favorite Answer

Oh i no exactly how you feel, we miscarried at the beginning of sept and my dh was talking to his grandma, and said that we were going to try again. His dad rolled his eyes and his mom gave him a disgusting look. I was so cheesed off! Its not like they have to pay for or do anything. Anyways, we are still ttc #2, dont worry about what others think...including family. It may sound bad, but its what will make you happy and you and i both no that they would get over it eventually.

sam p2009-10-05T21:28:27Z

Hey, it's your life and it really has nothing to do with them unless you are asking them to support your children - i assume you aren't!

Your grandmother has no doubt run her life the way she wanted ignoring what everyone else has to say (if she hasn't she will no doubt be miserable) and i suggest you do the same!

only you and your husband know what is right for you and your family - trust your instincts.


Just because she wouldn't want to do it doesn't mean it's not right for your family. I have girls that are a year apart and it's been great.