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are you sure .... of what you are sure of ?

how do you know that your thoughts or opinion about something is right .... sometimes i say that person is a good person ... and then i discover the opposite ... and vice verce ... sometimes you are deadly sure of something ... that this something is no other way it can be another ... but then i discover i was wrong .... how do you make sure that your opinion about something is right ... ?


i thought of that after i saw the film 1000 mabrook ... really a very good film that must be watched .... he was assuming many things and created the proof for what he thought ... then he was wrong ... all what he thought was right ... witch ... made me think .... why wouldnt be my opnions and thoughts wrong ... when i think of them .. i see they are damn right .... but what if there is something that i didnt knew that made me give that opnion witch is wrong because of not knowing everything ??? 7d fahem haga ???? :D


no roodi .. msh ka2eba wla haga :)

buit i m not talking about the movie ... i m talking about the concept .... how can i know that what i think is right ... is really right ... how can someone be sure that what he is sure of ... is right ... not its right because he want it so ....

Update 2:


your right desert girl .....but also i guess it was decart who said that we should treat all the thought we have like apples in the basket ... and from time to time we should get the rotten ones out of our head by thinking of them again ...

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of"

    ~lyrics to " Brilliant Disguise" by Bruce Springsteen

    We can't be sure 100%, that's the beauty of life. Calculating risk, getting to know yourself before you say you know others, accepting that we don't control our fate completely and trusting destiny are the ways we deal.


    yeah, I agree it's good to re evaluate our selves and how we look at the world. But if we do it so much that it interferes with normal activities and becomes unbalanced then it's too much. I say that because I am an analytical person, and sometimes it's too much. People who "think alot" are really interesting, but sometimes they don't get to enjoy life as much as others because they are to busy worrying :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Awya and fahem kol haga! The most solution for every thing drawn by the conclusions above is that u should always know some thing for a long time. Don't judge a book from it's cover. That means that u shouldn't say for example oh thats a nice person; and u just know that person for a minute! Fahem 3alaya?

  • 1 decade ago

    Opinions and decisions in life affect people differently. I might be in a situation and make an opinion about something or decide some thing from my own point of view because I look out for what is best for me and surely some one else might see it from their own point of view that it's not good for them and they might argue that you are making a wrong judgment. Life offers different roads for us to take every day and you surely will alot of mistakes by sometimes taking the wrong road but that is not some thing that should bother you cause this is what makes you wiser the next time you are put in the same situation you will know the right decision you should take and my advice is to live your life and leave it up to god in the end :)

  • 1 decade ago

    well opinions arent facts right, so unless like 1000 people agree with it it could be a fact. and to make sure your opinion is right, learn the person or thing first observe it/them and after a while base your opinion on what youve seen.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you're an atheist, the stark lines of reality are real. If you're a believer, the patches of light in between are. It just depends on what part of the elephant you're looking at.

  • 1 decade ago

    If all your thoughts and opinions are right today, then what are you gonna learn tomorrow ?, and if all your future thoughts and opinions are going to be right, then what are the wrongs you did / do / will do in your life ?

    That's my opinion :D

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Doubly sure. Still I believe God alone knows. Because everything looks a paradox.

    Source(s): 0wn
  • 1 decade ago

    i didnt read your whole details,as i intend to watch 1000 mabrouk movie and i just dont like to know what is the movie about before watching it!

    anyway, to answer you, there is nothing certain i this world but Allah 'God',, and death of course!

    ka2eeba mesh keda?


    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    May be may be not

    Source(s): bn
  • 1 decade ago

    that's true

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