Why do those national rankings always ignore that we are #1? We're FREE, not Socialist like Europe. So why?

Why are we number 13? Don't they realize that we're FREE and AWESOME, and none of their social medicine or maternity leave or free higher education or higher per capita GDP or higher life expectancy or higher literacy rate can outdo that?


Guess I didn't lay the sarcasm on thick enough. Was just trying to get a rise out of the extreme right wing who claim that we're #1 no matter what the rankings say. I guess they just didn't dare answer or simply had nothing to say when faced with reality.
Cheers for the answers


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Yeah, all those people in those evil socialist top 10 countries don't know anything about freedom. I wonder if they are all tired of their horrid socialist chains.


Those National Rankings only showed what was the best country to live in all things dealing with life social conditions.
However, if you actually looked at the data, and decided what factors were most important to you the rankings would have completely different.
For example, I would make a case that Nepal is the best country in the world to live for one simple reason....69.1% of their population is female!!!


I'm presuming that you're from the USA - you don't admit to that in your question.
Free and Socialist are not opposites, and believe me - you're anyhing but free!!! Furthermore - we (Europe, and Ireland ion particular) have history and culture. 13 is too high a ranking for the USA and there's nothing awesome about the USA except for it's propensity to invade other countries to make up for it's own sense of inferiority. The saying might be true - "big mouth, small ....."



Guess when the rest of the world gets to vote we turn out to not even crack the top 10. But don't worry...we're Americans, we don't know anything about the rest of the world anyway.


socialism is not the opposite of freedom, dear.
Get a dictionary.

And you only think the US is "awesome" because you have been told to think so.

People who live in other countries are quite happy with their lives, and are just as "patriotic" as you think you are.

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