All of a sudden, my teenage son thinks I'm not *cool*; what is his problem?

I was always the *cool* dad to my son, the dad who had rock music blasting on my car when I pulled into the parking lot to pick him up from school, the dad who, when my wife went hysterical on him after she found a Playboy under his mattress, took him aside after she left and told him, "Son, you have to get a better hiding place that your mother won't find", the dad who didn't mind if he let an occasional "dammit" slip into his conversation. Up through last year, I was *cool*, someone he wasn't embarrassed of. He's 15 now, though, and I suddenly find that I am no longer worthy of being seen with him.

I find that, although I am the only dad with rap music playing on the car stereo, he now cringes when I pull into the school parking lot with the Kottonmouth Kings cranked up. When I lean out the window and yell, "Over here, Kipper(a nickname my wife and I have called him since he was a toddler)", he turns to his friends and says "Oh damn, my mom sent our crazy neighbour again to pick me up. I hate that." When one of his friends says "Hey, I always thought that was your dad", he responds with, "No, my mom was shacking up with him for awhile, but he isn't my dad. My dad is in prison or something; I dunno, we never hear from him." My heart sinks and I, the crazy neighbour that my wife apparently occasionally bonks, am silent when he slides into the car and announces loudly, for the benefit of his friends, "God, I hope you're not drunk again today! You almost killed us last time nearly colliding with that ambulance!" His friends, slack-jawed, are duly impressed.

When we get home he scurries off to his room, and I brood, pondering over what has happened. I look at myself in the mirror. I am no different than I was back when I was *cool*; still the same dad who was tons of fun the time the two of us sprinkled itching powder inside of all the church's choir robes, then watched the gyrations during the Sunday service, still the same dad who let him stay up all night watching horror movies, then called his school the next day and told them he had a cold and couldn't make it when he was too tired to wake up in the morning, still the one he once wrote in a 5th grade school report was his hero, the person he wanted to be like. I haven't changed, so what happened?

I talk to him about it before dinner. I go to his room and ask him what happened back there at the school, why was he dissing me like that? He squirms and looks away, and finally says, "Dad, you just are so UNcool. I don't want to be the biggest jerk on campus just because I have the biggest jerk for a dad." I try to argue, to defend my points of "coolness", but the old tattoo I have of Guns 'N' Roses leaves him unimpressed, and when I mention that he has the only dad who has been mistaken for Sam Elliott, definitely one of the coolest guys ever, he just says, "Dad, that's just some OLD guy. So are you....."

So, that's it. I'm not *cool* anymore. I'm old, an embarrassment, not a dad he could be proud of. I sit in my chair in the living room with the lights off, and feel, for the first time, what it is truly like to be middle-aged. I don't understand. A short time ago, I was *cool.* What happened?


Favorite Answer

I hear you. I feel for you. My daughter is 13 now so I know where you are coming from. Just today when she had 3 of her friends over and I went up to the tree house and hollered "male on the floor" neither she or any of her friends found that funny. None of them were impressed when I slid down the fire pole to get down from the tree house either.

She doesn't like it any more when I go to the lunch room and give her a big hug during her lunch. She used to think I was cool but alas no more.

Dannygirl w/daughters2009-10-25T09:24:30Z

Yes I seem to have had a mini discussion with my 16 year old daughter yesterday regarding the same situation. They hit 15 and they change drastically. The first thing that goes is the cool parent. I should know I WAS one up until last year. It's high school dad!! They, like us when we were that age, KNOW in turn they really don't need us anymore...Oh but wait they want the ATM ( that's what I call myself...ATM!) Yup the days of being cool are totally over! I love the look I get when I say things like...awesome. Don't you? Like we are no longer allowed to speak such words... Your son is just figuring things out on his own and he "doesn't need you right now". Just be there for him like you have and make him realize what you've done for him and that you care about him and if he ever needs anything be it you that he will always be able to ask. Sometimes I'm cool if I remind my kid of something save that Playboy story for the perfect moment! Dad you are still cool!


No well actually you sound like a really cool dad, i am the same age as your son and i would love to have a dad like you.. he just doesn't know how lucky he is just have to make him realise how cool you are.. and you can do that by acting like a normal parent instead of a friend for a few days, telling him to clean his room, to do his homework, and go to bed early to wake up on time to go school. He will soon realise how wrong he was, and he would want you back the way you were before, and if he does get embarrassed by the fact that your his dad, he will defend you after realising how cool you are, and he'll make others feel the way he is feeling, because not everyone is blessed with a father like you right? :)


Almost all teenagers (especially teenage boys) feel embarrassed about their parents at some point. If you're intentionally trying to look cool and act cool to impress him and his friends, then that behavior may be having the opposite effect - now he's embarrassed because you're trying too hard and you seem desperate. As hard as this may be for you to accept, this phase he's in now may last for a couple of years. It's just a part of him exploring his identity and making the difficult transition from being a child (who is totally dependent on his parents) to being an adult (who is independent). Eventually (maybe after he moves out and goes to college), he'll come around and you'll be the father that he looks up to again.


Parents are never "cool" around the high school age, no matter what you do. He probably wants to start feeling and looking more independent. I know anytime my mom or dad comes to my school, for any reason, i just keep quite and hurry away. He needs to impress his friends.

I would say just make sure he stays, for lack of a better word, a good kid (Not drinking, drugs, keeping decent grades in school, not hanging out with the wrong type of people), and he'll get over it, and you can go back to being cool beans.

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