heard cedar-Sinai bans children from the hospital?

heard cedar-Sinai bans children from the hospital
isn't that illegal what if the child need emergency treatment?
like if he got hit by a car or something?
i thought there was a law that require ALL emergency departments
to treat ALL patients


Favorite Answer

Our hospital is banning children under 12 as VISITORS due to the dangers of H1N1 to them, and our compromised patients. We certainly have children as patients, but they are not allowed to visit up on the floors at this time.

The biggest danger to hospital patients is a hospital acquired infection, and kids are a big carrier of these. Not all parents are good at monitoring their hand washing, and they are exposed to lots of kids who may not take care when coughing or sneezing.

It's not very popular, but it is a safety precaution.


I think you may have misunderstood; they are banning children from visiting the hospital (used to be that way years ago anyway);; basically, cause kids carry many, many germs (aren't really ones to intiate hand-washing procedures, knowingly use a tissue to wipe their noses, use the inside elbow to sneeze into, in other words, don't really have the experience for universal precautions);; & with the swine flu "epidemic", the hospitals are returning to their restrictions on exposure to the patients that are already in the hospital, & frankly, to anyone else visiting or working in the hospital...