There are lots of complaints about President Obama. I am fairly involved in politics myself, and I know that many of the complaints are about Obama's lack of action. Although Obama does some things he has promised, he has yet to do many things. I would just like to point out that he has been in office for less than a year, and that it is impossible for any one man to change a country so quickly. I would like to know, why you feel the way you do about the President. I do not want any responses from new time voters who are upset because their first President Elect isn't superman.
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I understand what you're you're saying. In fact, many years ago, the political scientist T. J. Lowi observed that presidents function best who carve out a narrow niche and don't do everything under the sun.
But there's a terrible "Catch 22" in American presidential politics. You don't get elected by promising to carve out a niche, you get elected by promising to outperform the sun, moon and stars. Like it or not, This is what Obama did (and so did McCain). But Obama got elected, and now his electoral chickens are coming home to roost.
he isn:t even human or at least he doesn:t have any humanity toward us anyway of course it;s a different story with the terriost and illegals. and he didn;t seem to have a problem with wat he wants not what we want. he sure spent money fast enough.Money thaty should have went to the economy not studying rats or harry;s airstrip or hilarys hobby. and yo dodds just to keep him at his back. / he is your president not mine i want an american president. you are so picky on that I see. It won:t matter how long he is in he will keep putting the hurt on the country. Of course the dollar will be worthless.and the pnly promise he has kept is he is backing the muslim as he said he would. wwhat has he done to help us nada. I'M not upset bevause he"s not suprthuman i"m upset becausse he a kenyan and doesn"t give a damn about us.