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Is there a reason for reason?

Why is there reason, is there a cause for reason besides intelligence?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reason allows you to solve problems which you can't solve using raw emotion. So reason is a survival skill.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, there is a reason for reason.

    The human mind apparently works differently than any other creature. We think in terms of "if this, and if that, then conclusion." This is called a syllogism, and we cannot escape using them because our minds are hard wired to use them--256 of them, no more, no less. You can't think outside of that "box" because there is no "outside". Even if you come up with an absolutely new idea that no one else has ever thought of, you did it using a series of some of those 256 syllogisms.

    This usage is what we call "reason". But "rationality" is usually defined as "proper use" of reason, or as "sound reasoning". "Sound" means not just valid thinking, but thinking which can be called "true" according to accepted principles, or previously accepted facts or truths, or of something which appears to be "self-evident".

    Only 15 of those 256 syllogisms are "valid". Whether the valid argument you use is "sound" is another matter. I can make a valid case for the existence of unicorns; but it cannot be a "sound" argument because they don't exist.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, it's reason..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Curiosty. To solve the puzzle.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Reason isn't the most important thing in life. Some of the most valuable and magnificent things in life don't involve reason or understanding. Reason was made to figure things out, some things just can't be figured out no matter how much reason or logic you use. The undefinable or the unexplainable are some of the most amazing things in this planet and out.

  • 8 years ago

    For many in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, reason was understood as "right reason." It was a human faculty, divinely founded, that uncovered the world by revealing it, because it was part of the world. Reason was an ontological property of a divinely ordered cosmos, an innate virtue that directed right behavior and served as the source for civil and social law and order. It was not an introspective activity separate from, and thus searching for, certain laws and principles about the world. This it was to become over the next two centuries as epistemology became separated from ontology, as knowing became separated from the world to be known. During this process, the history of the idea of reason became the history of a search for certainty and authority about the natural and, increasingly, also the cultural world. From being a human faculty that was ontologically part of God's world, reason was reconceptualized as a methodology that was epistemologically apart from the world.

    Read more:

    Thinking and Reasoning

    An Introduction to the Psychology of Reason, Judgment and Decision Making

    The Left Brain

    The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often described as being better at:

    * Language

    * Logic

    * Critical thinking

    * Numbers

    * Reasoning

    Source(s): Reasoning is built in the left brain.
  • 8 years ago

    The "cause for reason" refers to our adjustment to the realm of Time and Space, of Cause and effects, where the cognitive brain receives impressions by way of the physical senses and processes the info to be dealt with by your conscious mind. Its purpose is for our survival.

  • Phil
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    i looked at that and idk if that makes to much since. A reason isnt a cause of intelligence. A reason happens because it should. In religious standards... God had something planed thats why it happened. In a scientific perspective a reason happens because it should. Theres no intelligence in it. I probly dont understand your question. There are several terms to reason.

  • Dv8s
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Reason is the reason for reason, without it, there is no reason. Remember being a child and your parent would say, why did you do it? and your response would be, no reason. Then we grow up and realize that the reason was impulsive, brash and stupid, still nonetheless... no reason.

  • 8 years ago


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