Should the other 49 states now start a class action lawsuit against the state of Louisiana?
I'm wondering if the other 49 states in the Union should start a class action lawsuit against Louisiana. A judge just ruled in favor of the "victims" of Katrina. Those are people who KNOWINGLY live in a city which is below sea level.
The judge ruled the United States Army Corps Of Engineers failed to maintain the shipping lanes, and levies to New Orleans, and that caused the flooding when Hurricane Katrina hit.
We The People (the taxpayers) pay for the United States Army Corps Of Engineers with our Federal Tax dollars.
It is predicted that the lawsuit is going to cost the U.S. Government (that actually means We The Taxpayer, in the end) 100 billion dollars. That is Billion with a "B."
Now I live in Washington state. The worst storms EVER to hit the continental U.S.A. hit my state. Not the state which have hurricanes, but my state. Few believe it, look up the Columbus Day storm of 1962, with 179 mph winds, before the final wind gages were ripped away.
Yet somehow, here in the Pacific Northwest we handle it, even the millions of trees that get blown down. We don't sue the Government.
I personally don't feel like extending a single dime to a city that is built below sea level and continues to sink deeper and deeper every single year. I don't want to send them a penny, via Federal Tax dollars, for the "victims" sueing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
In fact, I want to see New Orleans returned to it's natural state. Land that is below sea level, natural habitat for nesting water fowl, fish, alegators, turtles, snakes, and so forth.
Are there any other states which would like to sue Louisiana for "mantaining" a dangerous city below sea level, and see that swampland returned to its natural state?