Does the world really end every 6 years?

think of it, y2k everyone thought they would die.
6 years later, on june 6th, the date was 6/6/6, some people, (though not many) thought we'd all die
and big surprise, 2012 the world WILL END!

what do you guys think gonna happen in 2018?


I forgot to mention, I don't believe anything will happen in 2018, I'm just wondering what you guys think.

I'm hoping for zombies


Favorite Answer

I'm just waiting for the world to end already


we've the 5 billion years projected previous to the image voltaic is going purple great, and then a distinctive eternity until after the a hundredth Cosmological Decade previous to heat loss of life of the universe.


Maybe it does... but it hasn't so far...

On 2018, there's going to be a major volcanic eruption and the world is going to be filled with water... mini Noah's flood?!



Nothing, same as 1994, 1988, 1982...

But if it really would end people would really start to LIVE, atleast those smart enough not to fall into depression.


In your case, I think its erry doity seconds. YEAH !!!

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