What is Black friday please explain?

I keep hearing about BLACK FRIDAY which i see it's popular around here. I want to know what it is? What does it means? what it's purpose? Is it important? And is it a regular holiday or is it even a holiday? I'm sorry i'm asking allot , but i'm really lost about this....
If you know any site with facts about it that can help too.


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There are actually alot of "Black Fridays." The one I think you're referring to is the Friday after Thanksgiving, when most stores have big sales.

Black Friday is called that b/c it's the start of the season when most retailers "enter the black," which means "turn a profit." ("In the red" means losing money, "in the black" means making money.) Black Friday is not a holiday; it has no religious roots or significance.


In business you are either in the red or the black. Red means you are losing and being in the black means you are doing good. Black friday is the beginning of the holiday shopping. More people shop on that day than any other day of the year and retailers hope that they will be in the black instead of the red.


Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving interior usa, the place this is the commencing up of the classic Christmas procuring season. no longer all products are discounted so don't have your heart set on a somewhat affordable fee yet you are able to in all threat assume 10%+ off. and it would honestly be on your suitable activity to look early the shops would be ridiculously busy


Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. It is like a tradition where everybody starts their Holiday shopping right when Thanksgiving ends. So the stores put a whole bunch of things on sale so that people can get really good deals and people show up at like 3 am. at stores just to get good discounts. It is sort of like a made up tradition not a holiday.


Black Friday is the friday after thanksgiving when all major deparment stores,sale there items for a really cheap price,it usally starts a 4 a.m and end around 1.p.m its usally really crowded in stores.

Hope this Helps

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