Looking for a stronger cinnamon/ginger flavor in my cookies?

Hello everyone! I am looking for ways to make my ginger cookies taste better. Right now they taste all of baking soda and no ginger flavor. I am looking for ways to make the cinnamon and ginger flavor stronger. I was wondering if it was possible to saute the ground ginger and cinnamon in butter for a few minutes and adding it cooled to the rest of the butter, sugar and egg mixture before mixing in the flour? I was reading about this in a Malaysian cookbook and wondered if it would work for my cookies. Any ideas from real cooks?

Jonas Girl2009-12-09T10:20:13Z

Favorite Answer

if you are using prepackaged and ground spices, especially ginger, they are not at all flavorful. freshly grind it yourself and it will make a huge difference, also might try making it with above advice and finley grinding it, mixing and sprinkling it on the top before baking the cookies if you are not getting enough flavor. also candied ginger would be good on the top before baking. just make sure you keep and eye on the cookies so the ingredients dont burn. you also might be overcooking your cookies, try taking them out a couple minutes earlier and let them finish on the cookie sheet, then take them off the cookie sheet when they are completley cooled

note that freshly grinding the spices might cost more but it will be well worth it in the end

hope this helps! good luck with your cookies


What if you used fresh cinnamon sticks (grated) and ginger instead of ground dried spices? Also, candied ginger pieces on top would enhance the flavor...hope this helps!


Just add for ginger in the cookies
but dont put to much of it or else it will be disgusting


Call me crazy here, Sparky, but why not just use more of those in the recipe?