What do ya think about this Phrase?

What do ya think about this Phrase? -- "we are all on merely traveling between the Eternities"
or the related thought...
"Life is but a brief stop, as we travel between the Eternities"

I heard this or something very similar on the TV Movie "Lonesome Dove" not sure where they got it from.

Since then.. it pops into my head now and again.

What are your thoughts on it?


My Aunt died recently... and again it popped into my head.

I think it is hopeful. Makes us realize this is but a short stint.. not forever, like it sometimes feels.

It acknowledges that there has been an eternity before us, and will be an eternity afterwards. That ALL this around us.. this world, this planet, the dirt beneath are feet... ALL OF IT, is but a very short blip on the radar screen in comparison to the Eternities.

Puts things in perspective, makes hardships bearable, and means maybe we'll meet up with others after we complete our journey.


Favorite Answer

Essential to man’s happiness. The resurrection of the dead, an undeserved kindness on God’s part, is essential to mankind’s happiness and to the undoing of all the harm, suffering, and oppression that have come upon the human race. These things have befallen man as a result of his imperfection and sickness, the wars he has waged, the murders committed, and the inhumanities practiced by wicked people at the instance of Satan the Devil. We cannot be completely happy if we do not believe in a resurrection. The apostle Paul expressed the feeling in these words: “If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.”—1Co 15:19.
How Early Was Resurrection Hope Given? After Adam had sinned and had brought death upon himself and thereby introduced death for those who would be his posterity, God, in addressing the serpent, said: “And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.”—Ge 3:15.


I think it's just false comfort, considering how there is no evidence for any afterlife.