Hubby just called. Won't have dinner with me because he's stressed...?

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. He just called saying he didn't have a lunch break at work, that he is under a lot of stress and needs to be by himself... He wont have dinner with me. this is the first time he has done something like this. I didn't complain, I just said, oh ok. I'm not even sad about it. it's just that it came out of nowhere that I have nothing to say I got my maternity leave and pretty much starts today so maybe this is one the things that he's stressed about lol What should I say tonight when he comes back home?
thank you


we have been together for 8 years. this is our 1st baby together. he has a 13 y.o. daughter. He's never late, he doesn't go out with the guys, after work he takes his daughter to soccer practice twice a week and the rest of the week he runs after work and comes back home. I spend 3 days a week at mom's because I want to stay close since we don't live in the same city. So it hurts when people try to say he is cheating. All his free time is for me.


Favorite Answer

Is this your first baby? Dad's don't live a pregnancy like we do..meaning they don't feel like they are part of the baby as much as we are. This is a bit difficult as we don't know your relationship or your husband's work title..he seems to be a hard worker.
I would ask him there anything I can do to alleviate your stress. I would not attack him or accuse him of anything which doesn't seem to be the matter here.
I think he may be stressed because of work/ a special project. You may be right about starting your maternity leave today. In other words it may be stress or a reality is sinking in..In any event..offer a positive soothing ear, if you have a trusting marriage, it will be easier for him to open up. Wishing you the best in the year 2010! Blessings..


Say? As little as you need to in order to encourage him to talk. Then listen, and listen good. The best gift we can gift to another person is to listen and give them our attention.

Right now and for the next few weeks till your baby comes all the attention is on you. When the baby comes it all shits to the baby. So for now, be grateful your guy can communicate that he is stressed, recognizes his need for down time, and can ask you for it trusting you not to scream at him and just add more stress.

Be there for him tonight. He will reward you with all the attention and care you need once the little one comes along. Remember you are in this together.

Waiting on Emersyn :)2010-01-04T15:12:30Z

hmm wish my hubby would do this sometimes haha..I swear it's like we're attached at the hip :) But anyways I would just ask what's up when he gets home..don't be too pushy..give him a little space if he needs it & wait for him to come to you :) Is this your first baby? That could be a lot of why he's are very close to your due date, so maybe he's just nervous about being a new daddy :)


Dont push for details. Wait for him to open up to you, if he does at all. If it's been awhile and he seems in a better mood ask why he was so stressed, if he still doesnt want to talk drop it I guess. Maybe have something for dessert, and ask him if he would some when he comes home. Good Luck!!


Sweetheart, if he even comes home, tell him that he needs to stop 'relieving stress' right away cuz that means he's cheating on you with a hooker. First of all, ask his friends if he went out with them tonight, and if they didn't, then that's a definate. Second, don't panic and give him a message when he gets back. He'll love you for that if he really is under a lot of stress. Or I could be wrong about all of this.

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