Who was the first person to break your heart?

My mother broke mine. She's not a terrible person. I don't even know if she knew that she was doing it. I've never said anything because it's been years since we've had problems. I don't want to love my mother. I'm probably a terrible person for saying that but she doesn't make it easy. We've never had an easy relationship and I can only guess why. For most of my life, I was made to feel like I was never good enough. It hurts me to even think about it. I learned at a very young age that no matter how much it hurts you won't die from a broken heart even if you sometimes wished you did. I haven't forgotten what it feels like. You never do. You can't breathe and your chest feels like its being crushed by some unseen force and all you want is for it to go away. It's a hidden scar, never seen but always there. I was never pretty enough, never smart enough, never skinny enough to please my mother and as a child I knew my mother didn't like me. It's better now, but I had to work hard and go through a lot of tears to get to this place. A child should never know what pain feels like and there are so many different kinds. I just want to know if there is anyone out there who went through a hard time and couldn't talk about it.

Miss Sexy McTopheavy2010-01-04T20:45:36Z

Favorite Answer

First off, I'm sorry that anyone made you feel that way, it's B.S.

My answer:
My dad, when I was little I'd sit in his lap and he'd read the Sunday comics to me. One Sunday he said "I can't wait til you can read these yourself." I never asked him to read anything to me again. I think I was 4.


I'm a Cancer Sun Leo Moon Scorpio Rising. I got my heart broken by a Scorpio male. It was almost 3 years. Can't really describe how I feel. I still care for him and wonder how he's doing at the same time.. there are somethings I can't forget. Haven't liked/wanted anyone else since him. I spoke to a Cap a little while after and regret just meeting him. Our "friendship" if you can call it that is long gone by now.Imagine we were talking for 3 months and he's done enough in so little time that I regret him and stopped taking him seriously by month 2. But they are such assholes I wonder how they keep the friends they have. I don't have a problem with the females, just the guys. Never again for a Cap.


Well I was really young my heart was broken by my first girlfriend. We had been dating for a long time and then I went to Florida for my birthday for a week with family. It was around 11 o'clock and she still hadn't said happy birthday or anything and we had been talking all day that day. So she asked what I was doing and I said that I was just looking at fireworks for my birthday, then the next thing she said is, there is another guy. Happy birthday to me, right? So for about a week I kept talking to her and stuff and then after that week she said that she had made a mistake and wanted me back. That's when I said take a hike |;-D.

But yes, I was young and THOUGHT my heart was broken.

James T2010-01-04T20:49:15Z

There will,one day come a time when you will need to do the human thing and accept that your past is what made you who you are. The best times and the worst times. Prosperity and depression. You don't like your mom but carrying hate,anger and pain of a heartbreak can be an over-whelming responsibility. Release the burden and set yourself free. Forgiving is not forgetting.


I think it was my cousin. He went to Afghanistan when the war started, and I was only about 11. We were so close, and when he told me he was leaving I hated him so much for it. I literally wouldn't talk to him for a month. He broke my heart when he left, and I didn't understand at the time why he was leaving me, because he was the big brother I never had. And now he's just the big brother I used to have.

Btw, your story got me all teary eyed. I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that. It really isn't fair.

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