Is anyone else disgusted by the shooting in Haiti of those three young men?

Seems like the poor people are just trying to stay alive. I think they "found" rice bags that fell from a truck and the police shot them. No opinion on this just sad about it all.


Wow I am really surprised by the viciousness of some of you. No, I will not go there I am American and proud of it. If they were looting then I guess they should be shot. I know there are bad people everywhere. I at least try to stay informed from many sources and was just disgusted by the gasping man in the street. Good Lord you people are mean! God bless you, I hope you find a way to release all that anger.


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Since I was not there and do not know the whole story, I cannot say it disgusts me. I feel sorry for those that are hungry but also how can you tell a truly hungry person from someone who is just trying to loot and steal and then sell it to the poor people. From what I've heard the country is full of criminals, a bunch escaped from a prison and were running around shooting people. If they don't stop what they are doing when approached by the police, then how do the police know who they are? If these other people would not shooting at relief workers, maybe the food/water, etc. would be able to get distributed to those that need it faster. There are always bad seeds out there ruining it for the regular people. Shame.

Royal Caribbean ships - at first I thought that disgusting but when I read the whole article, the money the north gets from tourism supports the south. Stop that money coming in and what happens? I find fault with the people out there snorkeling. They should have said they preferred not to land there.

Also, again with the people criticizing the Americans. Screw you. OK, let's let 30 airplanes land on a small, destroyed landing field, crash, burn and then where is all your relief. No one should have landed on the stupid island in the first place. There should have been a base of operations somewhere off the island, all food/water, etc. from all countries organized and then brought in.


the looting gangs were out in force as soon as the buildings stopped shaking on day one

it was not about survival it was about thieving

looters were getting increasingly violent....mobs weilding machetes

if the shooting of looters makes them and others stop....good

so no, i'm not disgusted...;.i'm more disgusted at the 'culture' that finds this kind of thing acceptable and excusable

when there were riots in birmingham UK thirty years ago there were gangs looting

and in new orleans after katrina



Why don't you or your f'ing country go take care of the problem rather talk the usual anti-American crap? What's stopping you?

UN doctors and heathcare workers ABANDONED THEIR POST AND CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS ON LIVE CABLE (CNN) TV because they FEARED FOR THEIR LIVES! That's why there are American and Canadian soldiers and marines in Haiti. They are trying to make it reasonably safe for care and rescue workers. It is a LAWLESS and VERY DANGEROUS country.


I live in a city (Boston) with the 3rd largest population of Haitians in North America after Miami and NYC. My neighbors 2 doors down are Haitian. Nice people. They agree 100% with what I say.


NATURALLY, a few big EU/NATO players won't put their troops in harms way in Haiti; they might get a hangnail.

The UN, ONCE AGAIN, have proven themselves relatively useless, especially as far as so-called 'Peace-Keeping' is concerned. Bosnia redux.

Yeah, just wait for the Americans to show up. Usual s*it. Where's the 'Super' power Chinese? Russians? Brazilians (they are right next door like the U.S.; how come they didn't take charge of the situation? More fun to let the Americans do the heavy lifting and take the heat.


The U.S. was ASKED by the Haitian government (such as it is) to take charge of the airport and the relief operation.

Tell a U.S. soldier, sailor, marine, airman or woman they're 'Lazy' to their face.......see what happens.


That they "found" that rice, needs to be seen. Violence is already in the rise, the least people should do is to behave like human beings so the the situation doesn't turn even worse.

may experience some odd behavior2010-01-22T20:26:04Z

the cops think now really they can kill everyone they don't like there and they can just say they were looters and no one will take notice or stand up for the people. That is what an Irish aid worker said today that cops seemed to be going around the town looking for guys they don't like so they can shot them. that they or not really protecting anyone but taking advantage of the shot to kill order on looters and shooting the guy they don't like for no reason what so ever. He said police from outside of haiti or needed now more to stamp out what he called the execution of iinnocent men and women

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