Why does everyone think the Republicans don't have a plan for health care reform.?

Have they checked the website of a republican representative. They have a plan but it is much more scaled back and less intrusive. It tackles some the more urgent need for reform. Tort reform and covering preexisting conditions. I don't think they have all the answers but they do have ideas that need to be implemented without the pork and back door deals.

Have they bought the Pelosi/Reid/Obama line that the Republicans are just trying to stop everything without having an plan.


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Not everyone dear, those of us who actually pay attention and educate themselves on the facts, understand what the Democrats and Republicans are trying to do. Apparently 48% of Americans did buy the Obama LIES during his campaign and subsequent first year in office.


For reference, the entire Republican health care bill (Democrats voted "no"), and a summary of the health care bill, can be found here:


I propose that WE THE PEOPLE get exactly what the Politicians are getting. They have luxury Health Care (paid by us) and none of them are willing to give it up.
Now would that not be equality?


If Obama says it, it has to be true. Period.
(Even though we all know it's a big load of horsepelosi)