Looking for NTSB report: SEPTA Regional Rail Accident 14-MAY-2007?

I'm looking for a NTSB report on the SEPTA Regional Rail accident of May 14, 2007, in the tunnels near the Market East Station (Philadelphia PA, USA). (News report here: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=resources/traffic&id=5271806 ).

I would have thought that it would be in this list by now:


But it's not. (Other SEPTA accident reports are in this list.) Can anybody suggest another place to look? Thanks.


Thank you, "bigmama31". The www.fra.dot.gov had what I was looking for.


Favorite Answer

ck your local library research dept
Contact your local FRA agency. Depending on what state you reside in, the Federal railroad Admin is divided into Regions.
go to their website www.fra.dot.gov
my nearest Agency for my part of NJ is Crum Lynne, Pa.
I'm sure Directory Assistance can give you their direct phone number out there in Pennsylvania. I can't help you with their number, I don't know any of those inspectors anymore and decided to discard the direct phone number to the office
Their office is chock full of RR Safety Inspectors who have decades of experience. I'm sure one of the guys down there will be more than happy to assist you

Have a safe day,