Is a large snowstorm really that big of a deal?

The media loves a large snowstorm.

the old dog2010-02-09T11:23:01Z

Favorite Answer

Yep. It literally paralyses the cities and urban areas by the sheer volume of snow. Electric lines fall under the weight and power outages cripple entire grids. Transportation comes to a standstill, no one can get to work and no supplies can get into the area like foodstuff and other materials. Millions of dollars are lost in a day due to lack of personnel's ability to get to work. And a whole host of other problems crop up to add to the crisis.
Like old people freezing to death because there is no way to get fuel to their homes or the electrical lines are down. Others die because the paramedics can't get to them for the unsafe roads.
A large snowstorm can kill and paralyse.

Debra D2010-02-09T12:05:30Z

The Blizzard of 1977 in Buffalo killed 11 people, stranded people for days in locations without food. There was no heat and the temperatures outside were below zero. The snow literally covered semi trucks after the snow drifted. It was horrible.


For City Folks it is tough. For us who grew up in the Mountains, it is no big deal. We strap on the Skies and off we go. Not even an accumulation of 8 to 10' of Snow closed our Schools.
Hardy Folks we turned out to be.

