Help with a thesis statement?

I need a clear thesis for my college essay on the banning of pitbulls. My stance is that it is wrong to ban pitbulls. However, I do not want to say "The banning of pitbulls is wrong" because it sounds juvenile...any help would be SO appreciated!


Favorite Answer

An argument against pitbull banning
Argument against pitbull banning
Arguments for keeping pitbulls

In support of keeping pitbulls
A case against pitbull banning
A case for keeping pitbulls

In opposition of a pitbull ban

Hope these help
The link below can give you synonyms and antonyms to help find the right words

Good luck.


I think a good thesis should not only be descriptive, but capture people's attention. Get creative and think controversially. Think along the lines of "PITBULL BANNING: CRUELTY TO MANKIND"

of course, you can't use that, because it's my ingenious idea and I will fly there and sue you!