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Thesis Statement about Mormons?

I have to write a seven page paper about Mormons.

Can anyone come up with a nice thesis statement?

I suck at writing these, thanks for your help (:


i dont really know what i'm writing about specifically.

i want to just do their beliefs, but i'm not sure i can write seven pages on just that.

any ideas?

thanks guys!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Soo, what's the deal? You just never liked the answers you got last time? I searched for the link to your last query on this Thesis Statement;_ylt=Ao...

    I am in agreement with another poster above, the paper will be better if you write it yourself, especially if you don't just string together a whole bunch of other's disparate thoughts. You know, misleading people is...

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


  • 5 years ago

    OK, the expansion, not the trek itself. By the 50s, were most Midwestern Mormons already there? They did massive missionary work in Europe mostly and brought in tons of immigrants from countries that were running out of land and jobs. They kept non Mormons out by refusing to do business with them. Other areas of the west were expanding at the same time as immigrants flooded the US in general and filled the East. The gold rush brought lots of people through Utah on the way to CA. Mormons weren't publicly told about polygamy in Utah until 1853, so most didn't know what they were getting into in the first years. They immediately began expanding the Mormon empire as far as Idaho and Arizona with small groups. Is your assignment supposed to be religious in nature, or is this just a history thing?

  • rac
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Go to or and look up scriptures. You will find something called The Articles of Faith. This is a thirteen sentence summary of our basic beliefs. James E. Talmadge wrote a 700 page book on the topic. You can look that up on line as well.

    We are a Christian denomination that declares that The Church of Jesus Christ with its accompanying priesthood authority and doctrines were restored by heavenly messengers in these modern times for the purpose of preparing the world for the return of Jesus.

    Do some research and I'm sure you will find plenty of material to write.

    Try this:

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are an Interesting and Misunderstood people.

    Source(s): LDS
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  • pono7
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Try something like this...


    The LDS religion is one that brings up many questions. With it's origin being somewhat recent compared with the majority of other religions around the world today, people can be curious as to what makes this religion different from other denominations of Christianity. In it's infancy Joesph Smith Jr. encountered many questions on a regular basis. To help teach others in a simple manner of what the religions core beliefs are, he put together what is known on the 13 Articles of Faith. (thesis) While the LDS beliefs most certainly hold more information than just what is provided in the Articles of Faith, it acts as summary of the core beliefs to this Christian faith. To truly understand the Articles of Faith is to truly understand the heart of the LDS religion.

    (then go into your essay. each paragraph about one of the articles of faith. your description is obviously the article itself, while the commentary is a break down of what it actually means and how it pertains to the LDS person living today.)

    hope this helps :) you can go to and do a search for articles of faith to help you get the info on them :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to give more info to properly answer this question. Is your paper about anything in particular or just Mormons generally? Are you permitted to say what you actually think or does the teacher expect some sort of vanilla "Mormons are diverse and fascinating group with rich cultural traditions all their own" sort of bs?

    The thesis statement is simply what you want to say in the paper boiled down to one sentence. This is much easier to do if you have a relatively narrow topic. For example, if you are writing about how Mormons love Applebee's and why your thesis could be "Mormons love Applebee's because of its delicious apple pie." If you are only going to have one thesis statement you need to narrow it down to one topic. Mormonism is not one topic.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known to the world as "Mormons", has its humble beginnings in up state New York by a young boy of only 14 years old, named Joseph Smith. Although they claim to be Christians as a people, the Christian community at large easily dismisses their doctrines and faith as such.

    They consider themselves a "restored" church, a "restored" Gospel of Jesus Christ and their amazing and continued growth in the 150 years since inception brings attention to them for good and bad globally. Now with a growing membership of over 3 million strong worldwide; they are an organized, religious force to be noticed, admired by many, persecuted by some but to be reckoned with no doubt. They can no longer be dismissed as a passing fad, a soon to wash out church group. They are a global organization of substance and worldwide charitable work and cultural awareness. Their doctrine is nothing if not interesting and thought provoking, of which I will discuss below.

    How's that for a "thesis statement"? I rather like it! : ) will provide LOTS of ideas and resources for you too.

    I could write a paper that long about the LDS Faith easily.... Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You could write about the 13 articles of faith. That way you would only have to do about half a page on each.

  • 1 decade ago

    its always good to start at the beginning

    the first vision

    with the subsequent visit of moroni

    the bestowel of the plates

    the Restoration of priesthood authority because of the apostacy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, seven pages about mormons? Really? And you're not one?

    Why, why, why??!!

    OK, fine, try the link below for some ideas. Frankly, I think your thesis should be that they believe in quite a few things that have been proven wrong yet they ignore the evidence...but then again, that's true of almost any religion, so it's not really unique to them. Good luck.



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