Why do people thumbs down a right answer?
I swear, if some asked what 1+1 is on this site and you answered 2 some moron will give you a thumbs down. What's up with that?
I swear, if some asked what 1+1 is on this site and you answered 2 some moron will give you a thumbs down. What's up with that?
Son of T3
Favorite Answer
Take a simple question. What is your favorite color? (note this question is a violation, but for illustrative purposes here). If you answer pink and someone answers blue, instead of other people answering blue or pink, they just TU/TD the answers. If they don't like your pink and are neutral on blue, they may TD you and do nothing for the other answer. It is nothing personal, it is just away of agreeing or not.
However, thumbs down can be gotten for many reasons, only one of which is the correct usage. Some of the ways:
1. the answer is incorrect or you disagree with an opinion (the only real reasons)
2. you sound over 18 (believe it or not)
3. you support the rules on YA
4. you understand the rules of YA
5. you take the site seriously
6. you answered the question (some answerers will TD all other answers)
7. it was fun (random playing)
8. you are in the military, a policeman, or some authority figure
9. etc -
very few TDs are legit so don't sweat it unless you get one say on a science or math question, then review your answer for a mistake.
Thumbs down should just be stopped as they are one of the most abused features on here and really mean nothing. The original purpose of giving them has been lost and now they are just something trolls like to do. The thumbs down mean nothing point wise. ::: There is no rhyme or reason where the thumbs are concerned, some will give a thumbs up if there is already one BUT then there are the thumbs down trolls that give a thumbs down every answer just because they think it's funny.:::::You get points on a thumbs up if your answer is chosen as best ---- up to a total of 50. ---::::Thumbs down should just be ignored even though they are irritating at times..Simple minds require simple pleasures and giving thumbs down makes them happy, pathetic but true.