Cat dental sprays that work?

Has anyone on here tried dental sprays for cats that are effective in both clearing bad breath and helping the cat's teeth?


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There are no sprays that are going to help improve the teeth, but you can always see if the pet store has any to freshen breath.

If you really want to improve the teeth, the best thing to do is a dental cleaning at the vet. Nothing else will remove tartar.

If you want to prevent tartar build-up, the best thing to do is to brush the teeth daily. The next best thing is to try a dental plaque-reducing diet (like Hill's t/d). The next best thing is to try plaque-reducing chew treats like Feline Greenies (my cats LOVE them). After that, nothing to my knowledge is effective at all.


There are no dental sprays that really work, I'm sorry to say, but if you brush your cats teeth once a day, it will do enough. Brushing your cats teeth may sound silly, but it will prevent plaque and tartar.
You can also ask your vet to clean his teeth. I tried it and it worked! There are some products that cat help freshen yout cats breath, but I don't think they are that good. I tried some of them.

There is only one good thing. Brushing your cats teeth! It will make them healthy and clean. I do it and my cats never had any problems before. Hope this helped.

~Say hello to your cat for me~


The plaque is what is causing the bad breath . . . only way to remove that is with a proper dental . . . some can temporarily help with bad breath, or you could try medi-cal feline dental food . . . works great unless you already have a bad tooth.