Why is it legal to.....?

have an abortion when the child has no choice in the matter but physician assisted suicide is illegal when the person can make the choice themselves? I don't mean helping someone who is clinically depressed kill themselves, but people who are going to live in suffering for the remainder of their lives. If one is legal then shouldn't the other be also. No I'm not trying to get things started I just want other people opinions
I'm posting this here because people here actually give an opinion.


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I absolutely think physician-assisted suicide should be legal. It is absolutely horrendous to force a person to live in constant agony if they choose not to. This culture and society is ridiculous and backwards.

It wouldn't even need to be physician assisted. Just give the person the hypodermic needle, get witnesses to confirm the person actually wants to die, and let them inject themselves with an OD of morphine.

You are correct in your comparison, though. Both issues deal with the right to make a decision over YOUR body and YOUR life. It is hypocritical to allow one and not the other. It is the same question I have as to why alcohol and cigarettes are legal but not marijuana. :P

Note to Meemmerz: hopefully you are never lying in a hospital bed in full-body agony with cancer eating away at your body, screaming and crapping yourself and begging to die while someone stands over you telling you you have to wait to die naturally just to preserve their conscience.


I think of it this way. Human beings are very emotional and they tend to think and over think too much. The way you asked your question is great and I'll answer it. If someone was dying those people have an identity, I am not talking about a stupid social security number or a name that there parents gave them. I am talking about these people made a difference in other people's lives and did things on this planet for their entire lifetime. See babies have not been born and have not done anything yet.....so that saying.....out of site out of mind, comes into play with the human thinking. When was the last time you thought about hungry people in Africa the last time you were eating? Everyday? Nope, I bet it barely even crosses your mind. When you pet your cat or dog do you ever think about how they are eaten by the asians and they love it? Do you think that??? Nope. So when a human being is in the process of being made and has no identity and you have not seen it, touched it felt it, heard it or had any length of time spending time with the baby seeing it with your very own eyes growing up in front of you....it's easy to write them off and kill them. This is my take on how I think human beings think. Of course no matter how flat you make a pancake theirs always two sides. This was the one side that I think you were asking....of why? This is my belief of why I think people don't care so much about abortion but do care about people who are dying cause they are actually in real pain. Babies are just sitting there in the tummy doing nothing but growing hour by hour, day by day. And one more thing....people do not like to see other people suffer in pain from an injury and what not. I guess that's why when a horse hurts/breaks his/her leg they put him out of his misery sort of speak. They don't want to see the horse suffer any undue pain and stress.


I'm not real sure what the thinking on this is. I do agree that it probably has something to do with the fact that you can actually see the person. Also, most likely the belief is that people in that much pain are incapable of making a choice like this for themselves and no one else can make it for them without it being murder.

I really wanted to answer this mostly to say this:

Abortion is wrong. None of you would be here if your mother had aborted you. There are very few instances in which I believe that abortion is tolerable. One such time would be a perhaps a rape baby (though there is always adoption) or a baby that is known without a doubt will be born with severe health defects that will make their life unduly difficult.
I am so tired of people thinking that they do not have to be responsible for their actions. If you choose to have sex and you get pregnant...grow up...have the baby...and if you don't want to care for him/her adopt him/her out to a caring loving family that would love to have him/her.

There that is my mini-rant.


A) It's not a "child" (that happens after birth and breathing of the newborn), it's a pregnancy.
B) Not all states find it to be illegal to assist in death, and often it happens without most people knowing. There is a fine line between offering ease of suffering and hastening death, the goal is less suffering even if death comes sooner.


I am FOR assisted suicide.I cant believe some of the stories of people who were suffering and had to suffer until they died.like one chick who had a bowel cancer or something like that and was vomiting up her own feces.i think of anything, the doctors in charge of that patient should be charged with abuse.

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